Recent content by budda

  1. budda

    18 years and I may cut the cord!

    I believe the locals do not come in if you have location services on. If you turn that on you should be fine either case off your phone or tablet with that off. It is location based because of advertisers.
  2. budda

    18 years and I may cut the cord!

    I have a very good OTA antenna for a backup. I also have Netflix's, pay for the extra account from my daughters plan. Have Amazon video with Prime. Have HBO/Max thru ATT free. Have Hulu thru my daughter in law. Apple TV thru my son. Disney plus thru a co worker. I get the food channel but not...
  3. budda

    18 years and I may cut the cord!

    Have been with Dish for 18 years, always called every two years and did the dance and got it reduced some years a lot some not so much. Based on what I have at home in equipment and package I will be looking at about $150 a month with no discount. I did not want to cancel and then be unsatisfied...
  4. budda

    Roofing and Dish realignment?

    Got it done moved, Dish as well as tree's that used be there are more struts. Very high signal. Cost $45. They told me it would be like a hundred. Offered the plan, I said no. I am in a 2 year commitment. I asked how much longer I have and what the cost would be to cancel. He said like...
  5. budda

    Roofing and Dish realignment?

    So awhile back I got a phone call from Dish said they could tell my signal was dropping and wanted to come out and repoint it. At that time was no charge. Might try that again? But thank you that is a great suggestion. As for dropping out like yours. I had that trouble for awhile had it tweeked...
  6. budda

    Roofing and Dish realignment?

    So having my roof done tommarrow. It will take two days, have large roof and 7 skylights. The roofing company will put it back where it was but it will need to be realigned. Is that free or do I pay for it? Thanks
  7. budda

    Sound Issue

    Go to the audio settings in Dish. Play with the Dolby and sound leveling settings. I think it is Dolby (on) that helps correct the issue.
  8. budda

    New setup intermittent

    My brother in law had this problem he travels all over. 129 is very low in the horizon. He spends about 4 months a year in one place at that location he uses a standard dish which is always there, not the traveler and all works totally fine. When he is on the move. is works sometimes and...
  9. budda

    Should I go to Dish for a challenging Antenna installation and hookup?

    Bobby OP said he had cat5 in the wall? Also what they are doing will be expensive . Mostly because they are paying to have it done. I suggested a way but was pointed out it was not as I represented. But they do make a cat5 to coax adapters which would work. I was trying to point out what they...
  10. budda

    Should I go to Dish for a challenging Antenna installation and hookup?

    Couple of things. Why are locals not available on the Hopper thru Dish? Why must it be Antenna? always nice for a backup but you should still get them?Having said that since the cat5 is in the wall perhaps using something like this will work. Basically you are using the cat5 to coax. Good luck
  11. budda

    Should I go to Dish for a challenging Antenna installation and hookup?

    If the cable in the wall was stabled in spots and most likely is. Using that as a chaser or feed wire won't work. Just an FYI
  12. budda

    Hopper3 blacking out

    I have the Hopper 3 and two 4K joeys. Ethernet is not used at all. In fact if I hook them up. System just restarts over and over. Joeys don't need the ethernet but the hopper does.
  13. budda

    4K HDCP Errors (Hopper 3 and Joey 4K)

    I had this for a long time. I had bought new cables. And it worked for a time. This was 4 months or so ago. If I even just went to those channels I would get that message after awhile. Even with no content. I also thought maybe it's the AVR (Denon) or TV set Samsung Q9FN. But nothing worked. I...
  14. budda

    2 year agreement ran out

    I I understand the glass is half full analogy. Also I know about the Firestick. I have a Firestick, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Netflix, Disney Plus and Apple TV. Also 4K disc player. I would be fine without Dish. But I like it. I only pay for one of the streaming services. Get some free from work...
  15. budda

    2 year agreement ran out

    I have had pretty much the same experience as the everyone here. This may be the time I leave and have been a very long time customer. I am going to call the number listed on this thread but does not look good for me or them. My bill has gone up $70 in 3 months. With no added value. In fact...