Recent content by cappy29

  1. cappy29

    Rainier Encore D9865H

    Wow, well at least now I know about that product and that guy lol.
  2. cappy29

    Rainier Encore D9865H

    So I was looking around and ran across this, Rainier Encore D9865H and was wondering if they are any good? They don't show much for a channel line up either. I thought I'd ask and see if anybody has one?
  3. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    Anybody by chance know the diameter of most fta mounts for these 3ft dishes? I ask because we got a Hughes net dish and the mount is pretty beefy and it would be nice to maybe make use of the mount itself for fta if possible.
  4. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    Not to mention the prices are way out of hand too, which is why I'm looking at other options. But yeah, it was really fun surfing the sky back in the day when c-band was going strong.
  5. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    Yeah, I've put about 2 c-band dishes up and learned from a installer back in the day as to how, so it shouldn't be a problem other than the tuff part the alignment.
  6. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    So, I take the receiver is ok, but just the dish being a tad bit too small? I also seen one's with a motor than can move like a c-band dish, are those ok since they can scan the sky or are they trouble?
  7. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    Found this just now, Complete HD FTA Satellite System Manhattan RC-1978 Kit Any thoughts?
  8. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    Nope, I wasn't looking for those kind of channels. I was just wondering what all was up there, since it's all free and probably some what like the good old c-band days, which man I miss those days I might add.:(
  9. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    Ok, what kind of fta is a good, but affordable system? I have two c-band dishes, but they are not put up and just sitting around being stored and would like to maybe use one again, but just doesn't seem like it would be worth while, since you can get a fta system with dish, but just not sure...
  10. cappy29

    Rainier D9865D MODEL

    Anybody have one of those receivers and are they worth it or just better of with straight fta?
  11. cappy29

    Hopper 3 reliability

    Sadly, on my second hopper 3 within a year or so. Kind of seems like dish is using cheap hard drives or something, since second one has hard drive failure just like the first one.
  12. cappy29

    Hopper on demand vs. Directv on demand.

    Well, the 3 year thing is what mainly caught my attention, but I really like Directv's on demand, which is one big reason for the time being I'll stick with them. I was with Dish for like almost 12 years before and liked them, but just remember that their on demand wasn't really that great. So...
  13. cappy29

    Hopper on demand vs. Directv on demand.

    Was just wondering since I am a Directv customer and have been for a few years now, if Dish has improved their on demand? I know that since I've been with Directv their on demand seems to be really good. Now when I say on demand, I don't just mean the pay stuff, but the the stuff you would get...
  14. cappy29

    140 watt Pioneer to 100 watt infinity speakers.

    I don't really know much about audio and I'm considering that and my speakers over buying a Samsung sound bar for my TV, which just makes more sense because the Pioneer can have 4 devices hooked to it through hdmi where as the sound bar is like 1 device. Those Infinity speakers are showing up to...
  15. cappy29

    140 watt Pioneer to 100 watt infinity speakers. Just wondering if this receiver can be hooked up to these, Infinity 8 ohm 15-100 watt bookshelf speakers?