Recent content by JFOK

  1. JFOK

    Tips and Suggestions for C-Band Dish Installation?

    caramel, I’ve always placed my satellite poles on a tripod which would be of help if the ground shifted, resulting in a pole not perfectly plumb. Without a tripod you are at the mercy of your soil’s composition. However, many enthusiasts just place their pole in the ground, with proper...
  2. JFOK

    Lesea Feeds Gone

    cyberham, It would have been nice if we had been given some advance notice… not that they were required to. I always used Lesea and Shepherd’s Chapel as “locaters.” Seeing more changes in our hobby and not for the better.😟 John
  3. JFOK

    Lesea Feeds Gone

    Hi all, Discouraging news to report. The Lesea feeds on 99w have gone to fiber.😟 John
  4. JFOK

    Dish Derusting Continues

    Hi all, Back in April I discussed the rusting LNB arm on my C Band dish. I’m now in the process of repairing that with a small patch. However upon the annual spring inspection of my Tek2000 dish, I noticed some pretty serious rusting at the base of the pole. It wasn’t this bad when I did my...
  5. JFOK

    Rusted LNB Arm

    primestar31, That was an idea I was toying with, but Arlo’s and Mike’s suggestions are also under consideration. The other arms look fine. Last fall I noticed some minor rust on that arm and sprayed it with a rust inhibitor, apparently it wasn’t enough.😉 Thanks for replying. John
  6. JFOK

    Rusted LNB Arm

    Mike, Thanks for your reply and suggestion. I’ve had to do varying amounts of “dish work” in the 33 years that I’ve owned a BUD. However, this is the first time I’ve encountered this problem. I bought this dish from Tek2000 about 3 years ago and was aware it was a Chinese product, but never...
  7. JFOK

    Rusted LNB Arm

    FTA4PA, I dont want to replace the entire arm if I don’t have to, just the damaged section. Thanks for your reply. John
  8. JFOK

    Rusted LNB Arm

    Hi All, I have a rusted LNB arm that has separated from the LNBF. Any repairs suggestions are welcome. Please note I am not a welder nor do I have the skills. Thanks in advance. John
  9. JFOK

    Weather Network Canada

    Hi all, When did Canada’s Weather Network leave satellite ? Went looking for it on 119w the other day and discovered its no longer there. Thanks in advance. John
  10. JFOK

    What Happened to Everybody?

    Redbullsnation, Wait until your approaching 70 like me before you use age as an excuse. I don’t find dish maintenance difficult as long as you stay ahead of it and use the sage advice of members here. John
  11. JFOK

    Edision Edison Mio Has No Signal

    Mike, Why are DISCEqC more desireable ? Are they built better, more durable ? Again I don’t know why my 22htz switch crapped out. I’ve always taken precautions, by unplugging my system before doing any work and lately I haven’t had to do anything, it just died. There were no T Storms in the...
  12. JFOK

    Edision Edison Mio Has No Signal

    catamount, Yes its the third switch. Apparently the other “new” one was doa. John
  13. JFOK

    Edision Edison Mio Has No Signal

    Hi all, Good News !!! Apparently, after going through all the recommended procedures and coming up empty handed, it turns out that the problem was the 22 htz switch. I don’t know why the previous switch went bad as I’m always careful when doing any maintenance, I always unplug the entire...
  14. JFOK

    Edision Edison Mio Has No Signal

    Hi arlo, I will once again revisit all connections and try the settings you suggested. I have to make one correction. With C Band directly connected from the 0 side of the 22khz switch to my stb, I am getting both H and V polarities, not just one polarity as I earlier stated. I’m enclosing a...
  15. JFOK

    Edision Edison Mio Has No Signal

    Hi Mike, Hope you’re feeling better. A factory reset did cross my mind, but I don’t want to go this route if not necessary, as I lose all my satellite settings. Let me see if Brian chimes in here with a suggestion otherwise I’ll email him directly. Thanks for the email address and thanks for...