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  1. G

    Blockbuster Video to Support Blu-ray

    Prices will have to lower or.. I predicted a long time ago that Blockbuster would decide the war. HOWEVER, I agree with Vurbano that the prices are still to high on both formats for joe consumer. If Blue Ray does not become reasonable...I still stay BOTH formats are History. I mentioned...
  2. G

    Sony may increase Blu-ray shipments by 600%

    Nothing is selling here! In Reno, NV, Nothing is selling (probably at least 90% of the public could care less even if they knew). Costco HD-DVD even at $250 does not seem to have moved more than 2 units (I talk to the electronics guy there all the time) and No store even carries any format...
  3. G

    PSB / FTA Announcement

    Bummer Between PSB and "the Berg"...I was able to get my FTA setup slaved to my 4dtv...they save me hrs! GOOD LUCK PETE! Yes mr. Ice ...I am still lurking about but just have not been posting...Winter is here so I will be around a bit more! Regards to all Jeff
  4. G

    Tosh Price Drop on the Way

    Sorry...but I do not think so 100 units does not a stampede are a good vendor but plz remember you are dealing with a VERY small sampling of the market...Videophiles! I believe I heard the same discussion when the price was $499...NO INSULT INTENDED!
  5. G

    Pioneer Plans Next-Gen Hybrid ???

    Funny...probably true too! Funny and probably true! :D :D :D :D :D
  6. G

    Tosh Price Drop on the Way

    No, in fact I mentioned that in another post Agreed....People who shop at Walmart like the $49.95 ones! Wally World should stick with the cheap stuff. Problem is that they are not exactly flying off the shelves at BB either! Enjoy...(I really want the format to succeed so I can purchase a...
  7. G

    Removing IE from computer

    Thanks Thank you ...knew about that...but do not want ActiveX on my system (as much as I can avoid anyway) Should have mentioned that in my post! Regards jeff
  8. G

    Removing IE from computer

    Another problem Like you Mr. Ice...I use Firefox. Unfortunately, some programs require IE to run and more importantly, I have never been able to find a Media Player Plugin for firefox to see streaming media Player files from the net. Typical of MS...they do not like competition... Think this...
  9. G

    HD- A1 at Value Electronics for $399.99 !!!

    Unfortunately... I think this is just the beginning. When the new models come out...this pup will be $199 in no time just to clear inventory in a rising interest rate evironment (flooring costs!)Hell, stores did not want to floor product at 4%...more or less 8%. Standard answer"no it's not...
  10. G

    Tosh Price Drop on the Way

    Gee... why am I not surprised Apologies first... BUT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I PREDICTED Some folks here have been saying that they have been flying off the shelf and I thought the lack of movement was just here in Reno...apparently not! is this going to be the end until the game...
  11. G

    BEST Buy sucks!!! HD DVD!!

    I also dumped my denon 1910 have been totally underwhelmed by Denon Products the past few years...dumped the receiver (forgot the Model, but it was about $1000) and the 1910 and picked up Pioneer Elite 59i DVD and the Tx72 Elite reveiver///Blew the Denon stuff away IMMEDIATELY with no tweaking...
  12. G

    HD content won't play on 32-bit Vista

    Suggestion I NEVER use a "live" drive to beta test. Always disconnect your Operating drive and connect another empty drive to do your testing! Forget playing with IE anything at least at the is as bad as VISTA IMHO. I only use Firefox with a few trweaks myself! jeff
  13. G

    New Viewsat manual available

    I have not looked at it yet...but here is the link for their new manual
  14. G

    Toshiba adds HDMI 1.3 and 1080p to HD-DVD

    That was fast..New Tosh on the way As I mentioned...rumors have been confirmed...a new Tosh HD-DVD model is on the way...Being intro's in Europe 1st...hear it will be 1080P compatible but so any other far info is sketchy! Such is the world of electronics....had to happen.
  15. G

    HD content won't play on 32-bit Vista

    You are indeed a gentleman! You kind sir are a gentleman...I am NOT... been beta testing MS products since win 3.0...VISTA is the worst OS I have seen to date (including Millinium!) This could really give linux a boost... Unfortunately, it will not be long until Vista comes bundled...
  16. G

    Hd-a1 not working

    ok Ok...Yes I was aware or the PCM/Digital situation with the optical and Coax...Figured cheapo RCA analog on each player would give me enough info...guess not.. Whatever it is...I still like my setup!!:D Cables have always been an enegma to me...digitally you would think they do not matter...
  17. G

    HD content won't play on 32-bit Vista

    This is funny I tried Vista RC1 again yesterday w/ media player 11. I have an Athlon dual core 64 bit 3800 processor w/ 2 gig of ram...With Nothing else running, I tried to play a DVD with media player...VIsta refused and saidf I needed to free up more ram...JOKE???? Bigger Joke...CNN Money...
  18. G

    Hd-a1 not working

    we tried both digital + Analog (to be fair) Hi Ilya... We tried the (Monster..Bleh) Optical (with the new style connectors that twist to prevent jitter) and Audioquest coax...and also...analog, using el cheapo rca cables (to really check the Panasonic)....results were equal w/ all...
  19. G

    Hd-a1 not working

    Not this time... Cannot agree this time...we tried a side by side test with a friends panasonic DVD with a built in DD 5.1 decoder next to my Elite 59i...BIG difference and thru the same DAC (where you are correct)in my Elite 7200tx You are correct in that DAC's make ALOT of difference!
  20. G

    Hd-a1 not working

    Once again... Once again...I bow to your knowledge...I will still wait until receivers have the capability and things settle down. Have you ever heard the diffference between the 5.1 decoders in a DVD PLAYER (Cheap components and processing)vs the decoders in a GOOD processing receiver? My...
  21. G

    HD DVD firmware 2.0 soon?

  22. G

    Hd-a1 not working

    Updating firmware Most computer people know that updating firmware can be a risky business...I always use a UPS and NEVER use anything that updates from the NET...HORROR awaits...been at PC's since 76 and luckily have only had 3 bios flash failures...simply did not take and they went brain...
  23. G

    Poor sales of Hi Def DVDs/poor near term prospects/DOA?

    Actually both formats in their current form Actually both formats in their current form appear to be DOA here. I chatted with the salesman at magnolia that sold me my HT system last year about the future of High def DVD...His response was that neither was doing well at the local store and that...
  24. G

    HD content won't play on 32-bit Vista

    That used to be called...WIN-TEL That was because MS and Intel were sleeping together before DOJ butted in! THEN ALONG CAME AMD AND BLEW UP THEIR BALLOON!:D :D :D edit; win-tel I forgot...Apple was also sucked in by Intel They dumped the PowerPC due to heat at above 1.5 ghz...I hear the...
  25. G

    HD content won't play on 32-bit Vista

    If that's all you want...go here.. FREE Vista like Shell Areo Glass w/ vista shell is available as 3rd party desktop shell! Goi here: Free and Legal shell is free and not enable the Glass feature" cost about $20! If I remember...