Recent content by dankgus

  1. D

    Anyone expecting refunds?

    Im kind of in the same boat. I cancelled auto pay a couple months ago and usually I get a bill around the 11th or 12th of the month. This month I have gotten no bills. Maybe I will slip through and end up with a little bit of free service. --Dan
  2. D

    Voom to disable OTA tuner in STB?

    I would have to see the warranty agreement to be any more sure of my position on this. If the warranty agreement says a defective box will be replaced for 2 years than there isn't much to pursue as the box isn't defective and if it was, they could just send you another. Really, prorating the...
  3. D

    Voom to disable OTA tuner in STB?

    You can't be serious You guys are taking this too far, its hard to believe you are serious. Buying the boxes was a big risk that had little chance of ever paying off.
  4. D

    Voom to disable OTA tuner in STB?

    Just how is Voom supposed to Prorate the purchase price? When you have a bill from say, the cable company, and you only had service for half a month, they prorate it and charge you half the normal rate. So, what length of time could Voom possibly use to base a prorated price on? You could...
  5. D

    "DVR will be released by the end of the month!"

    Weeks ago a CSR told me that there are already beta testers for the DVR. I was calling about a billing issue and when I was done he asked "is there anything else I can help you with?" and I asked about the DVR. Thats when he told me the above. --Dan
  6. D

    Recording Voom HD Content

    No way, there isn't an ATI card available that will record Voom in HD. You can record Voom in SD and it looks pretty good but it is far from HD, I have done this using the svideo output on the Voom box.. --Dan
  7. D

    Poll: What Screen Size do Voom customers prefer?

    Whats up with this poll? The title is "What screen size do Voom customers prefer?" yet the poll is "what size do you WATCH". Heck, I *prefer* 60"+ but my wallet can only justify a 30" set. Give me a year though, I'll have the 60"+ set I want. --Dan
  8. D

    Poll: What Screen Size do Voom customers prefer?

    Thats what I have always said, but I had one guy on the HDTV newsgroup telling me how full of it I was. He said that film has much greater resolution than HDTV can deliver and film scanned to HD is as good. I didn't argue with the guy, but I am glad somebody else agrees with me. --Dan
  9. D

    Poll: What Screen Size do Voom customers prefer?

    Right now my only HDTV, which is actually my only active TV in the house, is a 30" 16:9 CRT. I really like it, and it was a huge step up from the crappy set I had for so many years before. I really wanted a 50-60" set but couldn't afford the technology I wanted, but DAMN they are getting...
  10. D

    24 inch dish install

    My story about how I perfected my Voom setup: My story about how I perfected my Voom setup: I had an 18" dish for probably a couple months before I just couldn't take the rain fade. I called and requested a 24" Dish. The 24" dish was installed and signal strength went up, however the...
  11. D

    OTA Analog Stations--do they show up in VOOM?

    If I am not mistaken, that EXTRA antenna port on the back is for an RF remote. That way you can have your voom box hidden inside a cabinet without needing glass doors for the remote. It has nothing to do with analog channels, just a remote control. --Dan
  12. D

    Super-DMA is being released!

    What about the small towns not listed on rollout lists? I live in a fairly small city in northern California, called Eureka. I don't know if there are any broadcasters outside my area that I can receive signal from, but I suppose there is a chance. I have firmware 7.37 but as far as I can...
  13. D

    DVR SOLOUTION - For VOOM on your MAC

    Correct me if I am wrong, but to capture HD via firewire, a guy doesn't need a $350 capture card-he just needs a computer with a firewire port and some software. Voom doesn't have a firewire output anyway. --Dan
  14. D

    Upcoming PPV fight on April 16

    I am very optimistic of Vooms future. With a chance somebody from Voom might read this: It would be great to see the upcoming UFC 52 in April. I bet there are lots of others who would also like to see this event. I can't wait for HD UFC, that will be great. Sooner or later it has got to...
  15. D

    Need the Following information From Voom Subs

    1. DVI 2. 1080i (Sony HiScan CRT) I leave the Voom box on "Native" mode as I like to let the TV do a "WIDE ZOOM" on the SD 4:3 material. Im a "Screen filler" even though burn in isn't a big concern, it bugs me to think I may be burning in the 4:3 window.