Recent content by harshness

  1. harshness

    Turn Any Android Smartphone Into an FM Radio - Mini SDR Review

    My smart phone has an FM tuner built in.
  2. harshness

    Still thinking about a standard definition headend?

    Here's a topic that's time has long ago passed.
  3. harshness

    Spring Cleaning?

    I don't see them either. Previous and Next page are there but only the "Similar threads" appear now. I think that may have been a Xenforo change.
  4. harshness

    Star Trek Discovery

    In that mirror universes are all about "alternate personalities", it sort of fits.
  5. harshness

    Windows 10/11 Download

    That's a tough one given the exceptions that Congress cooked into the defintion of "unsolicited". You might check with the national party HQ to see if there isn't some way to get off their list of pigeons.
  6. harshness

    Star Trek Discovery

    Next Generation dipped their toe in the mirror universe with Thomas Riker (William Thomas Riker's transporter clone).
  7. harshness

    Windows 10/11 Download

    Our definitions of spam are probably different. If it is coming from Amazon, it isn't spam -- just e-mail that you don't want to read. Amazon allows you to select what they send at some level and you may simply need to update that selection. When I say spam, I'm thinking of truly unsolicited...
  8. harshness

    Windows 10/11 Download

    Then you either need a new e-mail address or a mail service that cleans out all the garbage and provides you with an exception list. Network Solutions may be talking the big talk but any self-respecting monitoring service should be trapping most of that spam.
  9. harshness

    Windows 10/11 Download

    Not only does the code exist but as they discover workarounds, they are "addressing" (disabling) them. The early solution was to scan for the executable file of the utility by file name but now they're going deeper. Flexibility will not be tolerated until two or major releases down the road...
  10. harshness

    Windows 10/11 Download

    My big concern with e-mail is that mess that is Outlook (or, as I prefer, Outluck) for those that are under Microsoft's Office curse. Webmail probably isn't as immune from attack as one might hope. E-mail remains a fairly big attack surface no matter how you do it. Unless your e-mail is being...
  11. harshness

    Windows 10/11 Download

    Anyone that is using Excel for data collection and manipulation deserves every moment of frustration they get. This is what web-based application software is for. The big benefit to web-based stuff (at least the applications that don't involve Microsoft tools) is that your data is independent...
  12. harshness

    Volts, Amps, and Watts — How should you measure electricity?

    By the same token, the electron you send isn't the one that appears at the other end of the conductor. Unlike a drain pipe, a conductor is always full of electrons. Resorting to hydraulics as an analog is a big step in the wrong direction as it requires much the same math as AC electricity...
  13. harshness

    Windows 10/11 Download

    If you don't use machine #3 to do anything other than your video applications (no e-mail, no web browsing, no web apps), you can run it as long as the hardware holds together (assuming other computers on the networks are maintained). If you run any Adobe software (and I mean any), make sure you...
  14. harshness

    Volts, Amps, and Watts — How should you measure electricity?

    The water pipe analogy works fairly well for DC but it doesn't begin to cover what's going on with AC. The point is that given the right tools and knowing which ones to use in a particular situation, you can figure out both.
  15. harshness

    Volts, Amps, and Watts — How should you measure electricity?

    Equating ohms with resistance when alternating current is in play suggests that you don't fully understand them either. Resistance alone is the domain of direct current circuits but since you're talking mostly about alternating current, the appropriate term is "impedance" (where imaginary...