Dishonline active on 622

Yes, you can. A popup comes up and tells you when it has downloaded enough for you to start watching.
This is a very interesting point. The total bandwidth from all of those satellites is huge--as a rough estimate say 6 satellites times 16 transponders (plus spot beams) per satellite times 30 mbps per transponder gives roughly 2.8 Gigbits/second. But this bandwidth is shared by everyone in the country (again, ignoring spotbeams). For the model of delivering the same thing (or same sets of programming) to lots of people at the same time, it's a very efficient system.

But the bandwidth per user isn't that big--divide the 2.8 Gbps by say 10 million users, and you get 280 bps--a tiny number. If you wanted to provide internet access to every by satellite, it wouldn't be very good. I'm of course ignoring here that the average user bandwidth is vastly lower than the peak speeds we pay for. Without video downloads, a subscriber maybe downloads 1 Gigabyte per month. Since a month is about 2.6 million seconds, the average subscriber's usage is only about 1.1 kbps. Video changes that equation, as does what time of day people want the bandwidth--few people want to download video at 3 AM, but lots would at 8 PM. But this is enough to get my point across--a satellite network isn't very good at providing different content to every user.

Let's go back to the point about ignoring spot beams. This does change the equation, but not radically. How many spot beams could a satellite support? Clearly this has been growing with time, so let's pick a number that seems crazily high--say 100. That would increase the average per-user bandwidth to 28 kbps. I don't have a simple way to model the different times people want content, but since people want to watch video at similar times in general, it can't be a huge factor--maybe as much as a x10 improvement in my wildest imagination.

At first glance this makes it look like satellite is doomed--but that requires the assumption that everyone wants different content at the same time. This is a very poor assumption. Clearly there has been a trend for more content to different subsets of people over time. But also clearly people like watching similar things--otherwise everyone would rent movies, and no one would subscribe to satellite or cable TV.

But given the trend for increased specialization, and also given that downloading a movie is more convenient than going to a video rental store, and given that the movie rental business is big bucks, it seems like the idea of a video provider creating another revenue stream, as well as going along with the trend of increasing specialization, as well as movie downloads from other sources, makes a ton of sense. Now it's a question of convenience, quality and price.

And don't forget regulation--the whole "network neutrality" debate has been key for the satellite providers. Without it they wouldn't be able to provide video through the Internet at a low delivery cost--the other nework providers (cable, DSL, and fiber) would be able to charge an extra fee for video delivered by other providers. I find it interesting that these services (VOD through Internet to satellite boxes) are being rolled out shortly after the FCC came down on the side of network neutrality--I can easily imagine that the satellite people were waiting for that to happen before rolling out a service that depended on network neutrality.

The only problem is that the FCC HASN'T come down on the side of network neutrality - in fact, they've refused to mandate anything of the sort. It appears that they do not actually want to make a stand at all, especially with the recent propoganda campaign to confuse cell phone carriers network restrictions with network neutrality. If anything is going to be down re: network neutrality, then Congress is going to have to do it.
I still have not received L446. I lived in NYC. Has anybody else around this area received the L446? I connected the 622 to my broadband network, but still the new upgrade is not downloaded. I also did the reboot....and nothing.
If your responses were in grammatically correct english, maybe I could read them. :eek: Also, calling the Ceo office would be a waste of time.

Seriously Smith, you spend so much time with the smartass responses to everyones questions. If you don't want to answer one, just ignore it! It has really gotten old!!!
I just got L446 today. The first thing I tried was Dishonline. When I navigate to new releases or Dish theater the system goes into " please wait" mode and stays there and nothing happens. I had to power down once already because it froze up......not a good first impression.

Is anyone else having this issues with the dishonline function?
I just got L446 today. The first thing I tried was Dishonline. When I navigate to new releases or Dish theater the system goes into " please wait" mode and stays there and nothing happens. I had to power down once already because it froze up......not a good first impression.

Is anyone else having this issues with the dishonline function?

Same thing happened with me. Incidently I'm in the same general neck of the woods as you. I wonder if it's location related.
Got it on mine this morning. Also nothing appearing on new releases or dish theater.

Maybe they are restricting who can see downloads by IP range, or is there really nothing available yet?
This is a nice step forward, but the "only in SD" movies on the 622 is just a shame. I cannot imagine watching a movie in SD anymore, especially paying for it. I will watch SD television programs sometimes, but those are not movies, where you are hoping for an experience.

I guess I will be sticking with my xbox 360 (which does have HD pay per view) and netflix.

Would have loved to have given you my money Dish!
Search by keyword resulted in locking up the 722 and reboot...worthless...:mad:
I wonder who tests this garbage, if it doesn't work, and worse adds some more reasons for lock ups and reboots. DAMN this crap sux!

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Odd 722 Internet Issue

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