Thank You, Scott, Satellite Guys & Dish Network! (NEW PHOTOS ADDED)


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Scott and and the whole gang from SatelliteGuys for putting together such a great meet & greet today. It was a great time, and a lot of fun to put faces with fellow SatelliteGuys users. Also, thanks to the Dish Network for helping to make this a great event.

I was so happy to get to see the great new gear from Dish - as well as get the chance to ask some straight questions.

It was a ton of fun! If you get an opportunity to go to one of these in the future, I HIGHLY recommend you take Scott up on the offer!


PS....Thanks to Claude from for the great giveaway too!
Care to share details as to who was there, what you guys asked and if you got and intreging answers :) Did Charlie make it to the meet-n-greet this year?
I would like to hear from each and everyone that got to go. maybe this thread can be used for the ones that went to Team Summit and they can share some details that you found out things that made you go "that is why Dish does it this way"
Eric Sahl (SVP Programming) and Charlie Ergen (CEO) were there, and were VERY open about what's up and what's coming, they were also very receptive to ideas from us members.

When you hear things from them directly, some things that you say "what the hell were they thinking" make a lot more sense.

It was electric, and I'm glad I drove the 14 hours from Austin to be here.

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Scott and and the whole gang from SatelliteGuys for putting together such a great meet & greet today. It was a great time, and a lot of fun to put faces with fellow SatelliteGuys users. Also, thanks to the Dish Network for helping to make this a great event.

It is so nice of you to post this thread. There is a lot of work that goes into these things, and it is nice to be appreciated. Dish definantly deserves thanks on this as well!

PS....Thanks to Claude from for the great giveaway too!

Hey Claude! How are you giving stuff away without ME? :D
For the record, some of the stuff that was said is "sensitive", and won't be stated online.

Suffice it to say, it was VERY candid :)
Thanks Scott and Dish Network! The event was really interesting and informative. I think it was most interesting to see Charlie speak so openly and candidly in response to our questions. Scott did a great job setting the intensity by starting off with the whoppers. I also got to see what a great leader Charlie is by the way he listened to the comments along with our questions and took home some great advice for future enhancements to the Dish Network services.

One of my favorite parts was when Charlie mentioned some of the HD channels in which they are interested, one in particular that appeared to not be very interesting to most of the crowd in attendance. It was a great laugh.

It is neat to see a group off the Internet like this materialize in real life and the dynamic as we got to meet each other and talk about our experiences. Keep these types of gatherings going on!

Thanks Scott and Dish Network! The event was really interesting and informative. I think it was most interesting to see Charlie speak so openly and candidly in response to our questions. Scott did a great job setting the intensity by starting off with the whoppers. I also got to see what a great leader Charlie is by the way he listened to the comments along with our questions and took home some great advice for future enhancements to the Dish Network services.

Yep, the only thing that I found weird was it was hard to tell when charlie was finished making a comment because he was thinking so much so when you would go to ask charlie a question he would continue on and elaberate more indeph. Allthough its something that one would have to get used to. Over all it was a great session and I look forward to doing it again.
Thanks guys, I just got in from the Dish Network closing ceremony.

I am kind of sad it is over.

What a day it was, and it was great to meet other SatelliteGuys members and staff who up until today were just a bunch of nicknames. It is always great to put a name to a face. :)

I can't wait to get our pictures from today's events.

I met with Charlie after it was all over and again he was very impressed with our members. Looks like we are going to do it again next year in DENVER. :)

Got a few ideas for Denver which I will talk to the Dish Guys about. ;)

Thanks to everyone at Dish for everything, also thank you to the folks from Sling Media for the Slingbox units we gave away and to Claude from DishStore.NET who gave away a Dish 612.

It was an amazing day. :D
OK, so does Charlie really know what's happening with Dish or disconnected as some folks have said it looks like?
Ok guys this is my take on things. I’m not going to specifically talk about things that was said between the group and Charlie as that is confidential between all of us but what I can say is that He has me thinking. Meeting Charlie was well, like meeting a good friend that I never personally meet. I would have never thought that he is one of the richest guys on the planet, but he’s quite different. I liked picking his brain and wish that I could do it on a more personal level as he has some great ideas. I also feel that I could be an asset for Charlie as Charlie and I are more ways alike. I think it’s more like we think alike, but being on the other side of things there is a lot that is going on than what meets the eye or things that get posted here often get lost in translation between our thoughts and what is meant.

Meeting Charlie was and hearing all that is going on along really got me thinking. A lot of it made sense and I can tell you, if I was in his shoes I would be doing the same thing, but at the same time I would have moved things differently somewhat. Tonight, I let the past sit in the past and reflected with my questing on how dish can improve. I am really looking forward to helping dish improve in any way that they can. The way that I’m feeling now, is I have hope for dish. This is something that I have not had over the past two years and defiantly the past six months.

Honestly since my deployment I have been lost in translation. Meeting Charlie tonight I felt that I have found my new pathway and this is where I am suppose to be. This is what I’m supposed to be doing. I have nothing for respect for both Charlie and Eric Saul, as they do a great job, even though I have scorched them in the past for some “bone headed moves.” While I have to be honest and candid in the future with any decisions they may make, bone headed or not I feel like dish does have the right game plan going. Even though at times it may not seem like dish is heading in the right direction rest assured things are quite different. I’m still going to be open and honest with them as well as give any criticism when needed but I feel like my home is somewhere in this industry.

I’m going to be graduating from DeVry in October; I’m hoping that I can land my feet somewhere as I can see myself investing my time with them as Charlie said the right thing about investing into other people and they will invest back into you. Hopefully, I can put my past to rest as I felt I was always in the wrong part of the company that I so loved. I believe is a word that I haven’t used in conjunction with dish in a long time. I now believe in dish as well as having pride in what dish can do. I now feel like there is a bigger purpose and there is a small but big and equally important part that I must adore in. Thank you to both Eric and Charlie as you guys have me thinking. (That’s a good thing) Now it’s my turn to tell all of you guys to move over as it’s my ball to run with and run with it I will if given the chance.

So with that said. Dish take notes. Here is your new slogan...
I believe
I believe in Dish-TV....
He was on his game today with everything... the only thing I did not agree with him about was he said Dish's on demand service was better then DirecTV's.

What else did he say? Only those there will know. :) I am so looking forward to Denver next year to do it all again. :)
He was on his game today with everything... the only thing I did not agree with him about was he said Dish's on demand service was better then DirecTV's.

What else did he say? Only those there will know. :) I am so looking forward to Denver next year to do it all again. :)

Scott you are right, but I think charlie needs to offer those channels on demand like disney and nick. Once people realize that there is free content out there like that he would have more of a following with his on demand service and once it goes out of beta he can then charge for content as needed. I dont think he was getting that, or if he was then there are other factors that is preventing it from happening like the price of the content.

And the reason why he is seeing what he is seeing right now with on demand is because he is not doing what I mentioned.
Regarding new HD.

New HD is coming and from the looks of it within the next month. A lot of folks will be happy as a number of channels that people have been requesting are going to launch. I really wish I could name the channels, but all of the deals are not 100% done yet. They don't want to blow what they got working for them, and I can respect that.

I will say that when I hear more rumblings from outside the executive realm then I will be able to post what I think is coming. I just want to make sure the ink is dry before I start flapping my lips. :)

Thanks for your understanding.
Great info guys. Glad you all had a goodtime!!!

I wonder if you will have the same good feeling about Dish if you have to call India to solve a billing problem.:D

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