Voom..Are you still happy it's gone?

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Also, how can you call me a troll...when I answered the original posters question. I didn't stray from the original topic.
The only reason your called a troll is because you don't agree in liking VOOM. They only want people who liked Voom to have another place still to cry. There you can call me a troll too. So anyone who didn't like Voom, our Opinions aren't welcome. But I guess our opinions are welcome by Dishnetworks standards. Because Voom has been removed.
Hey if you guys hate Voom that doesnt bother me at all, you are on a forum voice your opinion. I think the problem most have is the people that just seem to post to anger others.
Glad is a bad term...but if Voom leaving is why we got some mainstream channels like Disney and Cartoon...then yes..still glad.
I miss them very much, but mostly MonstersHD I would watch it all the time. Charlie took away my favorite channel.
It should not have to be said again, but apparently it does. Charlie kept your Monster channel plus four. He wanted to do what many of you are now hoping Voom will do...cut down. Voom said all or nothing. They took it away, not Charlie.
Charlie and Voom took away my favorite channel. I am mad at charlie for more than just this though.
Charlie and Voom took away my favorite channel. I am mad at charlie for more than just this though.
Fine. But with all respect, why do you not switch to D* if you are so upset with E*? Too long a contract to pay off?
I miss the Soundstage shows. I had a bunch set to record too, but not now I guess. Other than that, I really never watched Voom anyway. As a matter of fact, I am about to just get rid of satellite all together, as I find myself watching locals more than anything else it seems. I got E* so I could watch the Nascar races that I couldn't normally get, but anymore, I am caring less and less about watching the races live anyway, so I can just watch them on the net if needed and save myself $100 a month or so. I think it's pretty bad when I can get all of the cable channels locally for $30, and all I will miss are the HD versions. Doesn't seem like HD is worth $75 a month to me.
I'm glad.. haven't missed ANYTHING and have watched a great deal of programming in the AT250 vs AT200 that I wouldn't have seen by spending that $10 on VOOM.

missing voom

I miss them very much, but mostly MonstersHD I would watch it all the time. Charlie took away my favorite channel.

To tell the truth. Since Voom is gone Im bummed about watching tv.
All I do is change channels.

I feel as though The Grinch (Charlie) stole my xmas gifts.

I miss Monsters, Rave, Equator World Sport-I loved watching the old timers play tennis.

Who cares if they repeat- I see so much repeating going on its silly.
Well it's been a few weeks, anyone out there that was glad VOOM was pulled changing their mind?

I never found any of its programming worth watching (IMO).. so if I never watched it (and had already downgraded to avoid having to pay for it).. I certainly don't miss it.

If had happened to be a fan of one of its niche genres then yes I would... but it was like walking in to an ice-cream shoppe that had offered 10 exotic flavors... none of which were to your taste.. even if such a shoppe offered buy-1-get-10-free, you just have no reason to step inside.

Others will claim the material was very mainstream... we'll have to agree to disagree on that... or at least it didn't hit within my realm of mainstream.
Also, Rave played great concert footage,. Not the mainstream crap on MHD.
Where else can I see Peter Gabriel, Phill Collins, the cure, Depeche Mode and Oasis?
Also loved Jools Holand in HD. Keene live!!! AWESOME!

I guess what we ( voomers ) Miss the most is the off beat stuff. It was special to have something different.

Yes, I can leave. Im out of contract. Im not a dish hater or any other kind of hater.
Still weighing my options. All services at this time look almost identical. Thats the sad part.
Dish has become very average, where as before they were '' unique''.

I hope that everyone gets the programming ''they'' want. We all spend our hard earned money on this form of entertainment.
This might sound strange but I didn't even notice they were gone but now that I do, I miss them. I really liked Rave, probably my favorite, then MonsterHD. How come my bill didn't go down or is it?
The people who do not like Voom and are were paying 10 dollars more, well at least you had the option to opt out if you did not like Voom. I did not ,they just took them. You say they were useless to you ..fine do not subcribe. You have to realize we did not that that option, I was willing to pay, why besmirch my taste?? Your taste is not Law,please remember that. "I am Glad is gone" is fine for you, you were paying the Ten Buck for "useless" channels was a choice you made in the first place. As for Me I would at least like to be provided the choice.
Well, I was never happy to see it go. It would be great if everyone, like lern said, gets what they want. But I still see it as the best business decision that Charlie could have made. Bandwidth isn't unlimited, and Direct was proving that subs wanted the mainstream HD channels, not frequently repeating niche programming. Majority rules.

And I suspect I'll even support the move more later when the New HD taking Voom's place is launched.
I think it is funny how voomers took a thread about being glad it was gone and turned it into another i miss voom gripe fest... I have said it once and I will say it again (now, this is my opinion and as i recall everyone has a right to their own) I am SO glad that voom was removed. I can count the number of times that I watched voom on one hand. Poor programing if you want to ask me.
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