Team Summit Report

allow me to offer mea culpas to the few of you who took offense to my "over 40" remark.
Now ,the majority of folks who are not used to technology will struggle with a remote that has no buttons.
That is the truth no matter how one tries to spin it.

Now the game begins: What the heck will those mysterious 10 exclusive regional channels be?------


Keep an eye on the programming schedule. I'm guessing it will be spanish language channels that will also show up on the mexican service and will likely start sometime after E1 arrives at 77W.

No is going to be our locals:

40 may be a bit young to set the bar on technophobia, but that's probably about when it starts. I'm in my late 40's and pretty tech savvy, my wife is a few years younger than me and is a complete technophobe. My kids often have to show her how to operate stuff or troubleshoot for her if I'm not home. My dad (nearly 70) would give it a shot, my mom not so much. That said I think the point is that the unit is aimed at a group with disposable income and that is normally a more mature crowd, many of whom will no doubt not like the idea of the touch remote. For some it will probably be a deal breaker. I believe the ir feature will allow people to use an aftermarket remote though, which should help a bit.
It does not take a technophobe or an old fogie to hate this touch-pad remote. It's technology applied for the sake of technology, and it's not high tech enough (e.g. voice recognition might help) to make it easier to use than what came before. It's harder to use for everybody.
Anyone over the age of 40 won't have a clue as to how to operate a remote control that has no buttons.

Man, I don't know where you live (if your statistics are local), but of all the people I know in the 40 to 60 range (and that number should be in the hundreds), I can't recall a single one of them that would have problems using remotes without buttons, computers or smartphones.

Now, programming VCRs, that's another thing....:D
Now ,the majority of folks who are not used to technology will struggle with a remote that has no buttons.

I agree. And to add, I have owned remotes without buttons for many years, still have one, but I prefer the feel and usability of remotes with buttons, specially ones with good design that I can operate without looking at it...
I agree. And to add, I have owned remotes without buttons for many years, still have one, but I prefer the feel and usability of remotes with buttons, specially ones with good design that I can operate without looking at it...

I am perfectly willing to give it a shot too, in fact I played Wii games extensively with kids and adults of all ages for a little while, saw the benefit of the tile functions as a real innovation applied to a TV remote. Point and click was Apple's biggest revolution to the personal computers, it is nice to see DISH is applying it to TV STBs.

But DISH must prepare for a transition period when many "old farts" (I mean 40+) will have to gradually get used to such idea, and at the meantime allow them to use a keypad remote if they do not like the touchpad.

My suggestion is redesign the remote, add keypad to it, in addition to the touchpad, let people experience both. Then make the user interface as suitable for the touchpad operations as possible so that people can see the benefit of the touchpad. I am sure the vast majority will gladly be converted to a new technology, as long as they are not forced into it, rather take their own time to be convinced they want that new gig.

Notice the PCs and Macs today, as much as Apple was the genius for inventing the mouse, we still use a keyboard?
As someone who went from a blackberry to a iphone, then back to a blackberry, I personally hate touch screens and think this could be annoying. I prefer a wireless mouse over the touch pad on my laptop any day.
As someone who went from a blackberry to a iphone, then back to a blackberry, I personally hate touch screens and think this could be annoying. I prefer a wireless mouse over the touch pad on my laptop any day.

You and 80% of people of all ages agree. that is why the IPHONE is now slowing down in sales as most the nerds like me have one already.

My girlfriend who programs computer hates the touch pad.

Dish if it were smart will offer two remotes for the 922 one touchpad for the nerds and one with buttons for everyone else
Not to change the subject, but since I am only 37 and have not yet joined the old fogies, one thing that Dish needs to seriously change is the 4 tuner limit on leases. Scott - If you could talk to someone about this, it would be appreciated.
yes it is..But statistically it fits.
You can resent it all you like. Now you can put your ego back in it's cage.

You said "Anyone over the age of 40 won't have a clue as to how to operate a remote control that has no buttons."

If I remember my logic and statistics correctly, when you say anyone over 40, you are saying that NO ONE over 40 will have a clue. That is not statistically correct. All I have to do is produce one person over 40 who has a clue and I have disproven your assertion. This board is littered with such people.

I'll cage my ego, if you learn your statistics. Maybe they don't teach those things in school these days.
allow me to offer mea culpas to the few of you who took offense to my "over 40" remark.
Now ,the majority of folks who are not used to technology will struggle with a remote that has no buttons.
That is the truth no matter how one tries to spin it.

Thanks, apologies accepted.
It does not take a technophobe or an old fogie to hate this touch-pad remote. It's technology applied for the sake of technology, and it's not high tech enough (e.g. voice recognition might help) to make it easier to use than what came before. It's harder to use for everybody.

Over 40

Old fogie ??? I am 55, and as you can see in my signature, I am definitely NOT technologically challenged :). I regularlly play games on my PS3, am up on all of the current technology, spend several hours a day on my laptop and love every minute of it. Unfortunately, though, not everyone in my age group bothers with learning new technology. Different people have different priorities, askewed though they may be. At least my grandchildren think granddad is cool !!! :D
Scott - has there been any official word confirming that the HBO/Starz for 3 months promo would be replaced by an HBO/Showtime promo ?
The Dish web site changed the expiration date on the HBO/Starz promo from 5/5 to 5/13...

Retailer Care site confirms the 5-13 date for HBO/Sho change over from HBO/Starz.
Who defines old fogie

Guys I am 66 and proud of it. I earned my AAS in Electronics Tech in 1965 and my BSEE in 1970. Although I do not work directly in tech ( Switched to working in human services years ago ) any more my nickname within my family and friends is yoda and the geek and I am enjoy it. I have two family members in tech and they sometimes turn to me for help.

Now I mention all of this not to brag but to point out that age does not determine how current you can be in technology but how much you desire to keep current and how enthusiastic are your feelings about technology.

Just watch out about who you call an old fogie smile:)

allow me to offer mea culpas to the few of you who took offense to my "over 40" remark.
Now ,the majority of folks who are not used to technology will struggle with a remote that has no buttons.
That is the truth no matter how one tries to spin it.

Anyone under 70 who is not used to technology has been living under a rock! I'll bet that nobody under 40 has ever used MS-DOS 2.0. lol
There is no mention of TurboHD anywhere here. I am going to try meeting with Dave Shull today. :)

Someone needs to tell those clowns that their website is going to hurt them. If I were shopping for Speed HD and did not find it in the TurboHD packages, then I would go to DirecTV.

The Dish Network site does not promote the fact that you need a SD package + HD add-on to get Speed HD. I am using Speed HD as just one possible example.

Better yet, put the same HD in the Turbos that are in the classics!!!
I am going to write all the e-mail address I have for Dish and also their website and tell them how I feel. I feel they just used the Turbo idea as a way to bait people. I don't think they intend to do anything else with it. It served its purpose!

New Dish Customer, HD, and Western Arc

Update receiver software needed

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