smithsonian Channel HD


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 18, 2008
is smithsonian HD still up and testing i just want to know would dish would have turned it on already?
bluegras said:
is smithsonian HD still up and testing i just want to know would dish would have turned it on already?

Bluegras you NEED to realize that just because a channel is uplinked dosen't guarantee that it will be turned on. And asking about it every week or pestering Dish with your channel requests dosen't help either. :rolleyes:

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The only thing I can tell you is it is scheduled to be turned on some time between now and never.

So I am guessing somewhere in between.
If it's not considerably better than a couple of years ago when dropped, never works for me.
Not known that it's even coming. Dish has put up channels for testing before and never turned them on. Probably will come, but not a sure thing.

On edit: Missed the AT200 post. Got any timing on that? Anyone know if they are pumping out more new stuff?
No one gets movie pass for free anymore that I know of, that promotion ended last month.

It is WELL worth the $10 a month.

IMO, it USED to be. Epix replay is getting terminal. And very little they show that I had not already seen on Disc. Rarely watch much of the others. Considering dropping after I finish with Deadwood from BB. Plus, I have 6 redbox's within two miles of me. And, I am not "connected", nor have little interest in it.
Generally when not in prime time we find ourselves watching one of the channels in the BB package often. While not done every month, we also got three movies by mail this month. (Usually one or so a month) So we obviously we consider it $10 very well spent.
Red Box is now in our area in Ct but not really near, and not on the way to or back from work for either of us. I suppose in the summer we would consider taking a ride to get a movie from it, but it's just far enough that in the Winter I just want to get home, and at $4 a gallon for gas what used to be not even a thought to go somewhere extra, now is.

Still having issues with :29 and :59 past the hour freeze/pixilation

Regional Sports Channels Vanish?

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