X2 premium

The IKS in the factory menu is the big issue with the box for me as well and that alone is enough for me to want to replace it. As FTA fans we do need to stand together and decide what we want, that's very true. But we also need more than just talk to jump fully on one side of the fence or the other. If someone comes to your house and tells you that your car is stolen, what is the first thing you're going to say? Prove it.

I don't know Joe, or Brian either, really, although I do believe all of what Brian says, and what Scott says. From reading posts on here for quite a while now, I have formed the opinion that Brian and Scott are very trustworthy people. But that's just me, others may just see all the bickering back and forth on this issue and form different opinions, especially new people here. We all could argue over this until the end of time and accomplish nothing.

I do work for a company that reproduces original vintage Ford parts, legally. They bought the original Ford tooling to do it, pay the royalties to Ford to do it, the hole nine yards. It's very expensive. Other companies make knock-offs that look exactly the same, only they don't have the Ford logo on them, they're a lot cheaper and illegal. When someone asks them how they know the other companies products are bogus, they give them a phone number to call at Ford, or a link, they don't just say, 'oh, it's illegal'.

This is a point that I'd tried to make earlier, that just saying to people that something is illegal without backing it up is not a good way to convince people of it and to "stand together" we really need to be informed, not just be told that this is so. If there's some legitimate reason why no one can offer proof, which there very well could be, then we should do as someone else suggested and ban discussions on the X2 and it's ilk completely.

I've owned an X2 since last summer, and I've never seen this "IKS" menu everybody keeps talking about. It's not been in my menus, I haven't seen it in any of the few different firmwares I've flashed to, it's never appeared for a second, or while rebooting, etc. It has been just as dependable as my MicroHD, in fact more so because it keeps time dead on the money. Neither of my MicroHD's keep time because they drift off a bit every single day while GMT is turned off. They are kept up and running, recording every single day and never allowed to go to sleep. Still won't keep time locked solid and I have to resync them at least every week and 1/2 minimum after they drift too far.

The MicroHD does have a superior picture, and I like the 30 second "skip" feature on the dvr'd recordings, so that is my main receiver, and probably will be until something better comes along.
I do work for a company that reproduces original vintage Ford parts, legally. They bought the original Ford tooling to do it, pay the royalties to Ford to do it, the hole nine yards. It's very expensive. Other companies make knock-offs that look exactly the same, only they don't have the Ford logo on them, they're a lot cheaper and illegal. When someone asks them how they know the other companies products are bogus, they give them a phone number to call at Ford, or a link, they don't just say, 'oh, it's illegal'.

Okay, I'll bite… exactly WHY are those other parts "illegal"? You say they don't have the Ford logo, and I assume they are not sold in such a manner as to make the customer think they were genuine Ford parts. So it that's true, then how would those parts be any more illegal than any other car part made by a third party manufacturer? Toyota tells me in the owners manual that I should only use genuine Toyota parts and have service work done at Toyota dealers, but I ignore both of those because I go to a family-owned oil change business that's been serving the local area for years. They probably wouldn't know a genuine Toyota oil filter if they tripped over one and yet I've never had a problem with any filter they have installed. They do use brand name filters, just not made by the car manufacturer, and there is nothing illegal about it no matter how much the car manufacturer or any dealer might not like it.

Frankly, if I owned an old Ford (which I wouldn't) and a parts dealer tried to tell me that I could not purchase aftermarket parts for my car, that dealer would immediately be on my sh*t list of people I would never do business with. If they were the only source left for a part for my car, I'd sell the thing or take it to the junkyard before I'd buy a part from that dealer. Until then, every time I bought a part for my car from someone else, I'd mentally be picturing me giving that dealer an upraised middle finger! Of course that would not apply in a situation where a customer indicates some desire to only purchase genuine parts, but then again, your parts weren't made in the original Ford factory so I guess I don't see much of a difference - just because Ford gives you their blessing as a maker of parts would not necessarily indicate to me that your parts are of better quality than parts made by any other supplier. Anyway, I just don't understand why you'd use the word "illegal" to describe those other parts - unless there is some law I'm not aware of that specifically makes it illegal to make aftermarket parts for old Fords, then those parts are no more illegal than the aftermarket muffler you buy at a muffler shop, and it seems to me like it would be rather disingenuous to try and convince your potential customers otherwise (and you are probably shooting yourself in the foot if you try to do so).

I think this is a great illustration of why there are such divergent opinions on topics such as this. For some reason, in the USA we have somehow developed a culture where certain people in business think they are entitled to have captive customers that legally have to buy from them. Mostly it's wishful thinking on their part. Just as a seller of "authorized" car parts might wish it were illegal for potential customers to buy the aftermarket parts, but objectively that's simply not the case, so too I keep wondering if the dealers that would have us believe that certain satellite receivers are illegal are simply blowing smoke and engaging in wishful thinking. But also, the more that certain dealers start sounding like they think they are entitled to have business because they sell only fully "legal" receivers, the more inclined I am to think that's a dealer I never want to do business with. I buy from someone because I like them and want to do business with them, and because they offer a product I want at a good price. I don't buy from people I don't like, and I especially don't buy from people that I feel may be trying to deceive me in some way just so they can possibly get some of my money. It's the reason that when there was a recall on my car, I drove right past the nearest dealer and went another 30 miles to get to the next nearest one. The local dealer tried to rip me off once and that was their one shot; they will never get another chance, and there isn't a snowball's chance in Hades that they will ever sell me a car!
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Okay, I'll bite… exactly WHY are those other parts "illegal"? You say they don't have the Ford logo, and I assume they are not sold in such a manner as to make the customer think they were genuine Ford parts. So it that's true, then how would those parts be any more illegal than any other car part made by a third party manufacturer? Toyota tells me in the owners manual that I should only use genuine Toyota parts and have service work done at Toyota dealers, but I ignore both of those because I go to a family-owned oil change business that's been serving the local area for years. They probably wouldn't know a genuine Toyota oil filter if they tripped over one and yet I've never had a problem with any filter they have installed. They do use brand name filters, just not made by the car manufacturer, and there is nothing illegal about it no matter how much the car manufacturer or any dealer might not like it.

Frankly, if I owned an old Ford (which I wouldn't) and a parts dealer tried to tell me that I could not purchase aftermarket parts for my car, that dealer would immediately be on my sh*t list of people I would never do business with. If they were the only source left for a part for my car, I'd sell the thing or take it to the junkyard before I'd buy a part from that dealer. Until then, every time I bought a part for my car from someone else, I'd mentally be picturing me giving that dealer an upraised middle finger! Of course that would not apply in a situation where a customer indicates some desire to only purchase genuine parts, but then again, your parts weren't made in the original Ford factory so I guess I don't see much of a difference - just because Ford gives you their blessing as a maker of parts would not necessarily indicate to me that your parts are of better quality than parts made by any other supplier. Anyway, I just don't understand why you'd use the word "illegal" to describe those other parts - unless there is some law I'm not aware of that specifically makes it illegal to make aftermarket parts for old Fords, then those parts are no more illegal than the aftermarket muffler you buy at a muffler shop, and it seems to me like it would be rather disingenuous to try and convince your potential customers otherwise (and you are probably shooting yourself in the foot if you try to do so).

I think this is a great illustration of why there are such divergent opinions on topics such as this. For some reason, in the USA we have somehow developed a culture where certain people in business think they are entitled to have captive customers that legally have to buy from them. Mostly it's wishful thinking on their part. Just as a seller of "authorized" car parts might wish it were illegal for potential customers to buy the aftermarket parts, but objectively that's simply not the case, so too I keep wondering if the dealers that would have us believe that certain satellite receivers are illegal are simply blowing smoke and engaging in wishful thinking. But also, the more that certain dealers start sounding like they think they are entitled to have business because they sell only fully "legal" receivers, the more inclined I am to think that's a dealer I never want to do business with. I buy from someone because I like them and want to do business with them, and because they offer a product I want at a good price. I don't buy from people I don't like, and I especially don't buy from people that I feel may be trying to deceive me in some way just so they can possibly get some of my money. It's the reason that when there was a recall on my car, I drove right past the nearest dealer and went another 30 miles to get to the next nearest one. The local dealer tried to rip me off once and that was their one shot; they will never get another chance, and there isn't a snowball's chance in Hades that they will ever sell me a car!

Easy, Anik. I should've clarified it a bit more, sorry. You definitely can make, sell and buy aftermarket parts. You can't advertise and sell them as genuine Ford parts or repro parts made from original Ford tooling when they aren't, as many companies do. That you have to pay big bucks in royalties to Ford for. I agree with you on Ford, I hate Fords, myself. And I'm not talking about new cars, 60's cars.
And no one has to put these parts on their car or is forced into buying them, they can put the legit crappy reproduction junk on if they like. :)
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I've owned an X2 since last summer, and I've never seen this "IKS" menu everybody keeps talking about. It's not been in my menus, I haven't seen it in any of the few different firmwares I've flashed to, it's never appeared for a second, or while rebooting, etc. It has been just as dependable as my MicroHD, in fact more so because it keeps time dead on the money. Neither of my MicroHD's keep time because they drift off a bit every single day while GMT is turned off. They are kept up and running, recording every single day and never allowed to go to sleep. Still won't keep time locked solid and I have to resync them at least every week and 1/2 minimum after they drift too far.

The MicroHD does have a superior picture, and I like the 30 second "skip" feature on the dvr'd recordings, so that is my main receiver, and probably will be until something better comes along.

Mine didn't have it in the menu with the first few firmwares. It appeared there when I updated once and then was always there afterward until just last week when someone in this thread suggested entering 6969 then enter, that made it go away. Hidden only, I'm assuming.

The superior picture on the MicroHD is something I've seen a lot of people comment on and is the main reason I want one.
Are you serious Scott??? The last time you and I didnt meet the same criteria over a discussion on the X2 you and nobody else deleted my post. So yes, sometimes post are deleted here. I have never talk or bring any non FTA issues to the forum which are usually bring by others thus sometimes I feel its used to go over the X2. There are tons of FTA brands out there which nobody knows which one meet or have their licences and most of them have the hardware and the software to go over the other side. I'm sorry to be so honest but you now what happens at the time and of what did you accused me of. On the positive side I was fortunately I wasn't banned at the time and I hope this time neither as well, :behindsofa:
If I recall at the time you were pushing the box like you were the one selling them. I sent you a PM over the IKS concerns you you ignored them. People were reportin gyour posts because you didn't sound like a fan of the box you sounded like you were out to sell them.

After I removed your post (and I got to be honest it was so long ago that I don't remember what it was about) you calmed down so I figured you got the picture.

No you are not banned here, just keep the topic on using the box as a FTA reciever and not as a salesman for the box and you will be fine.
Can someone post an image of the IKS menu ?

I can, if it's okay to post it here? And assuming that it comes back with the 6969 then enter. Like I mentioned earlier, someone suggested doing that to get rid of it, and it did take it out of the menu on mine. I assume it only hid it, but I don't know.
The superior picture on the MicroHD is something I've seen a lot of people comment on and is the main reason I want one.
The chipset on the the X2 makes a horrible SD picture, however it does an amazing job with HD.

Now to be fair, the SatelliteAV Geosat Pro HDVR1200 uses the same chipset as the X2 and has the same issue with the SD picture quality. However thier MicroHD uses a better chipset and offers great quality SD and HD.
I can, if it's okay to post it here? And assuming that it comes back with the 6969 then enter. Like I mentioned earlier, someone suggested doing that to get rid of it, and it did take it out of the menu on mine. I assume it only hid it, but I don't know.

I don't think it's necessary to post that here. If people say it's there, that should be good enough. There's no need to confuse newbies with posting a pic, and it could generate unwanted posts and bans.
Easy, Anik. I should've clarified it a bit more, sorry. You definitely can make, sell and buy aftermarket parts. You can't advertise and sell them as genuine Ford parts or repro parts made from original Ford tooling when they aren't, as many companies do. That you have to pay big bucks in royalties to Ford for. I agree with you on Ford, I hate Fords, myself. And I'm not talking about new cars, 60's cars.
And no one has to put these parts on their car or is forced into buying them, they can put the legit crappy reproduction junk on if they like. :)

Ah, thanks for clarifying that. Makes much more sense now. I agree, no one should be duped into thinking they are buying a genuine part if it's really a reproduction. To many people, whether a part is "genuine" or not might not matter, but I suppose that in any hobby there are "purists" that insist on keeping everything 100% genuine.

The only antique car I might have any interest at all in getting my hands on (if I could afford one) is one of the original electric cars that had a short time in the sun and were then discontinued.
The only antique car I might have any interest at all in getting my hands on (if I could afford one) is one of the original electric cars that had a short time in the sun and were then discontinued.

You and me both, that would be awesome to get a hold of something like that. I always wanted to build one myself and actually was contemplating building one out of a parts Fiero that I had here a while back but I let it go when I sold the two good ones I had.:(
You and me both, that would be awesome to get a hold of something like that. I always wanted to build one myself and actually was contemplating building one out of a parts Fiero that I had here a while back but I let it go when I sold the two good ones I had.:(
Fiero? The Fiero wasn't perfect, but it's the one Pontiac when I see one today I think "Cool looking ride". (Was never a Firebird fan). Pontiac, R.I.P.
The only antique car I might have any interest at all in getting my hands on (if I could afford one) is one of the original electric cars that had a short time in the sun and were then discontinued.

The forward thinking oil companies bought out the original electric cars and pulled the plug ( pun intended)!
Fiero? The Fiero wasn't perfect, but it's the one Pontiac when I see one today I think "Cool looking ride". (Was never a Firebird fan). Pontiac, R.I.P.

Fun little cars to drive and surprisingly roomy for such a small car. I'm 6'1'' and 220 lbs, but had no problem at all getting in and out of them and had plenty of leg room. I've actually almost gotten stuck in my wife's Volvo a few times when I don't move the seat back far enough on the first try, constantly smacking my head getting in and out of cars. :)
I wish I could find the pictures of the house after the fire --- NON UL appliance caused --- therefor NO INSURANCE coverage. Memories / pictures gone forever, also.

Small consumer items - you may have an argument - but even those, with out legitimate QA and licenses, are no longer in MY plans. Saving $17 on a heater lost a $250,000 house. (Yes, the big box store that sold it may someday lose in court - but that will not bring back ONE picture that was lost.)
I wish I could find the pictures of the house after the fire --- NON UL appliance caused --- therefor NO INSURANCE coverage. Memories / pictures gone forever, also.

Small consumer items - you may have an argument - but even those, with out legitimate QA and licenses, are no longer in MY plans. Saving $17 on a heater lost a $250,000 house. (Yes, the big box store that sold it may someday lose in court - but that will not bring back ONE picture that was lost.)

I'm sorry for your loss, but it sounds to me like maybe you either picked the wrong insurance company, or didn't consult with a lawyer to make sure that there was no way to sue the insurance company to force them to pay up.

The fact is that insofar as your purchase of the appliance goes, you didn't do anything that a reasonable consumer would not have done. Nowadays probably better than 90% of people would never think to look for a UL label on any appliance they purchase. In fact I would be that bet than 90% of people under 30 have no idea what a UL label is. I have to admit that looking for such a label isn't even on my radar when I buy an appliance - I'm much more concerned about features and price. The only time I might think of looking for something like that is if I am buying at a flea market, or some other place where I actually suspect the goods to be of low quality.

Also, I would note that eBay listings rarely mention UL or CSA approval (CSA = Canada's equivalent of UL).

A good lawyer would sue both the insurance company AND the store you bought it from, and let a jury decide who is going to pay for your loss. And yeah, it sucks that you lost your pictures and mementos, but that's happened to a lot of people. But at least your kids won't be stick wondering what the hell they are going to do with all of dad's old crap when you pass away (and no matter how valuable YOU think something is, unless it has very obvious value your kids are probably going to chuck it into a dumpster, including photos of people they never knew or don't remember, especially if you only have sons). While it's probably of no comfort, just be aware that you aren't alone; a lot of people have lost their treasured possessions due to everything from fire to natural disasters such as floods or tornadoes to foreclosure companies targeting the wrong house and cleaning it out while the owner is away (this has happened on multiple occasions because banks are so sloppy with their paperwork). If insurance won't pay the only thing you can do is hire a lawyer and sue, unless of course you just didn't have insurance to begin with, but as you have discovered that won't bring back personal belongings. If you have a large family, check with other family members, they may have photos of significant people in your life that you can get copied (or buy a scanner and copy them yourself).

Personally I just don't understand why, in a country as safety conscious as ours (almost to ridiculous extremes sometimes), they don't require that new homes be built with fire sprinkler systems. :confused: Better some of your stuff get a little wet than for your whole house to burn down.
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Also, I would note that eBay listings rarely mention UL or CSA approval (CSA = Canada's equivalent of UL).

Have to set the record straight. CSA is NOT the equivalent of UL. Here in Canada we have CSA and UL.
CSA is a much more vigorous and destructive test procedure and is very costly. A lot of companies chose not to go the CSA route and do the UL approval instead.
Also, I would note that eBay listings rarely mention UL or CSA approval (CSA = Canada's equivalent of UL).

Have to set the record straight. CSA is NOT the equivalent of UL. Here in Canada we have CSA and UL.
CSA is a much more vigorous and destructive test procedure and is very costly. A lot of companies chose not to go the CSA route and do the UL approval instead.

Sorry, I had assumed that each nation had its own testing organization. Didn't know UL was in Canada too.
A lot of devices that people assume are U.L. approved and all actually aren't. Things that are powered with power packs very often aren't, because only the power pack is required to be U.L. approved.

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