Team Summit Wishes

You're right. The majority of customers have no idea about HD quality. I still get plenty of customers that aren't sure if they even need HD or if they have HDTVs.

I wonder how these people would of acted during the great move to color tv back in the 60s? "Black and white is good enough to me." But the transition from black & white to color was very noticeable. The transition to HD from just color tv was not even seen on a SD tv. My Dad didn't even get an hd tv till 2007 right before the Superbowl and that was when the Circuit City closed out and reduced all the tvs. He is now watching my old Toshiba hdtv that I sold to him for $100.00 when I got my new Toshiba 3-d hdtv a couple of years ago. He hates spending money and he is retired at 74. Funny thing was that when I was about 6 years old in 1968 , my dad paid over $1000.00 for his first color tv with a 20 inch screen , stereo /record player in a console. I guess as you get older ,even if you have more than enough money to live on , you are afraid to spend. I do remember watching Star Trek in color and we all got headaches from the color , and of course we all were sitting right up on it.:D
I wonder how these people would of acted during the great move to color tv back in the 60s? "Black and white is good enough to me." But the transition from black & white to color was very noticeable. The transition to HD from just color tv was not even seen on a SD tv. My Dad didn't even get an hd tv till 2007 right before the Superbowl and that was when the Circuit City closed out and reduced all the tvs. He is now watching my old Toshiba hdtv that I sold to him for $100.00 when I got my new Toshiba 3-d hdtv a couple of years ago. He hates spending money and he is retired at 74. Funny thing was that when I was about 6 years old in 1968 , my dad paid over $1000.00 for his first color tv with a 20 inch screen , stereo /record player in a console. I guess as you get older ,even if you have more than enough money to live on , you are afraid to spend. I do remember watching Star Trek in color and we all got headaches from the color , and of course we all were sitting right up on it.:D

I just love listening to customers complain about TV prices. I have old price sheets in my office from the 80s when we had Zenith Console TVs. Those TVs sold for $700 to $1,200 and the biggest was 27". Now you can buy a 50" Plasma for under $650.
Those TVs back then lasted 20-25 years, or were easily serviceable. These today are lucky to survive 5.
Those TVs back then lasted 20-25 years, or were easily serviceable. These today are lucky to survive 5.

No reason why today's TVs can't last over 10 years. Just make sure you have it protected from surges since that is one of the biggest causes of failures.
A DISH Anywhere or Virtual Joey app for the Roku would be Awesome! I would use it all the time at the office instead of a laptop. :)

I agree that would be great and if it worked with the new Roku Stick, even better.
But I'm not holding my breath. A couple of months ago Newegg Flash had this sale on the Iview 100 dongle
I couldn't get it to work with my Samsung Note 2, so I ordered an Iview tablet for $79. Supposedly, it will mirror anything on the tablet to the dongle and to the tv.
Time will tell.
I just love listening to customers complain about TV prices. I have old price sheets in my office from the 80s when we had Zenith Console TVs. Those TVs sold for $700 to $1,200 and the biggest was 27". Now you can buy a 50" Plasma for under $650.
And that isn't even accounting for inflation!
We're one day away from Summit. I fly out tomorrow more for Nashville and should arrive there around noon. I don't think I'll have anything worth posting on here until tomorrow night or Wednesday.
Since this event is geared for retailers an announcement lowering the cost of what we have to pay for equipment would be high on my wish list. I can buy 8 Genies for the cost I pay for 1 hopper, no need for it to be this high.

Please Triple the cost for me.. I get more back from my Credit Card in points.
Somebody needs to ask them when they're going to fix the outstanding bugs. The ones that are well-documented on this forum.
No way I'm driving that far for Team Summit. I know it's an awesome event but it's not worth driving 9-10 hours by myself there. Driving there wouldn't be that terrible but the driving home part would. I was up till midnight getting my flights changed and it looks like I'm flying out later today. I won't get to Nashville till 9:30 tonight now. Luckily there isn't a lot going on that is noteworthy so you guys shouldn't miss out on anything.

Tomorrow is the big day and if everything goes as planned I will be there reporting on anything new and exciting. As for now, I'm sitting in my office like any other Tuesday morning when I should be in Chicago having a $9 Bloody Mary. ;)
You are not missing anything today. The big thing is the the Key Note tomorrow at 1PM. That is where all the new stuff is announced.

I just found out (and I find it interesting) that Charlie will be there at the Key Note and will be doing an interview on stage with Fox News's Neil Cavuto. I find it interesting to see FOX participating in Team Summit considering their Hopper Lawsuit.

I have been lucky enough to have hosted 3 chats with Charlie over the years, and when he is open and candid some of his answers will have you thinking.

Just relax you will get there, and just think you saved $9 on a drink... its cheaper to drink at home. :D
I love listening to Charlie during those interviews. It would be nice to see all the Charlie haters on here get a chance to see him live and listen to him. I bet you would all change your opinions on him. He has a creative vision that very few have and you gain a great deal of respect for him when you meet him in person.

It's just too easy to sit back and bash a person you've never met just because your bill has gone up or a channel you like got dropped. Obviously there are things Charlie can do better but so can we all. I know I have a lot of respect for the man.
One of the chats we had with Charlie was just days after the VOOM channels were dropped. The room was full of SatelliteGuys members and many of them were very upset and mad at Charlie before the chat started.

Charlie walked in the room, grabbed a chair and sat in the middle of everyone. Charlie then asked the room if they wanted him to give the CEO BS answers or if they wanted to hear the truth on what happened. The room voted they wanted to hear the real answers.

So Charlie said ok... and told us the no BS version of what happened.

At the end those who were mad at Charlie for getting rid of Voom now understood and were no longer mad, some of them were even in his corner. Sure they were upset at losing channels but when they heard what happened they couldn't blame Charlie for making the move he did.

For all SatelliteGuys members in attendance it was an interesting view into a great mind, and it was something that not many people have ever got to do. With the way things are now I don't know if we would be able to anything like that again. When DISH's legal found out Charlie did that I am sure they had a bird. :)

OT Microwave interference with WiFi

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