Satellite restriction HOA

Exactly why I've never lived in a HOA & never will. Not in my previous big home in the country on 2 acres or now in my small home in a big town/small city on a 3800 sf lot. And I've never observed HOA communities that look any better/cleaner than where I've lived (...but have never done a subdivision).

But the answer has already been supplied; put it on your property vs. any defined community property & the HOA has no say; even if they think it's ugly, even if they want it in a back yard vs. a side yard, even if they have an agreement with a cable co., even if it is stated in the HOA agreement that you matter what their reason. Because the law does not allow them to prevent your use of dishes & TV antennas on your property.
The law seems crystal clear to me and I would tell the HOA manager to show you their authority to override it. I would also suggest to him/her that they are not personally protected by the HOA for harassment and that you will essentially have their arse if they ever screw with you again. I'm not very diplomatic and would lay it out pretty clear for him/her but you may be better off not being so sharp.

These people are abusive sometimes and need a good reminder - be sure to copy the board with his/her and your correspondence. I would ask the board to replace the manager as well because you do not feel they are working for the betterment of the community and instead are nit picking unimportant issues affecting no one and in violation of federal law. They can fire him/her on the spot and these managers are easy to come by. They are licensed but no big shakes to get one. Suggesting termination will be a wake-up cal.

Not particularly good advice unless you want to be the target of them checking on every rule possible against you. You are assuming he is doing something against what the board or even community wants, we don't know that.
From what I am reading they are within their rights to say nothing attached to wall or rail. Claude gave the best advice.
Even in a condo, if it is owner, wouldn’t he be allowed to drill?
The rules will surely vary with different places but in some (many), you often only own what's "inside". That's why you usually can't attach a dish or antenna on "your" outside wall. Even though it's without question on your part of the condo, it's not yours.

At the end of the day, the FCC rules are not a free pass for installing dishes or antennas like many (here) would like to think.
The rules will surely vary with different places but in some (many), you often only own what's "inside". That's why you usually can't attach a dish or antenna on "your" outside wall. Even though it's without question on your part of the condo, it's not yours.

At the end of the day, the FCC rules are not a free pass for installing dishes or antennas like many (here) would like to think.

Very true, even know of one guy who made a plastic fake barbecue set , he bought the real plastic cover that went over a real one and his dish was inside, he never told them, they never asked, he did it inside his house adjusted the dish outside, at night, painted the coax to match were it was, and everyone is happy even the guy right next to him never knew it, and he never told him, because he would have turned him in, and that guy had a huge barbecue set on his deck, he can burn and smoke up the huge place evreyday, he was the idea for that guy to do it
The rules will surely vary with different places but in some (many), you often only own what's "inside". That's why you usually can't attach a dish or antenna on "your" outside wall. Even though it's without question on your part of the condo, it's not yours.

At the end of the day, the FCC rules are not a free pass for installing dishes or antennas like many (here) would like to think.

Well said.. don’t tell the HOA to pound sand, unless you want them to make your life miserable for as long as u live there

Most HOAs have an appeal process. File an appeal, go before the board and see what’s acceptable and go from there. They can’t charge you fees or put a lien on your home if your filing an appeal. Get a copy of your HOA Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, as well as bylaws. That’ll tell you exactly what you can do.

OP, just be patient and kill with kindness. The people on the board are just your neighbors and are elected by the community. Unless you killed their cat, you should be able to work out something that is within the confines of the bylaws.

If you did kill their cat, nothing can save you! :)
My old HOA was pure evil. They were complaining about my dish Network 500 and wineguard 76 cm on the roof. They sent me a warning but they didn’t take any action. They said satellites couldn’t be on the roof on my property. I wasn’t a sat nerd back then, so I didn’t move them because I hired installers and paid them $$$ to install them. Moved out of there in 2011 because of the HOA. I swear, they would come every week to measure my grass.
My old HOA was pure evil. They were complaining about my dish Network 500 and wineguard 76 cm on the roof. They sent me a warning but they didn’t take any action. They said satellites couldn’t be on the roof on my property. I wasn’t a sat nerd back then, so I didn’t move them because I hired installers and paid them $$$ to install them. Moved out of there in 2011 because of the HOA. I swear, they would come every week to measure my grass.
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I'll say this much about HOA'S. I'm going through my second ordeal with an HOA right now. Not my primary residence. Details are not helpful for the topic starter here. However, as others have stated that the HOA has kept property values higher - well good for you. That has not been my experience.

The HOA'S I have dealt with, and their tyranny by majority board of directors have enacted such restrictive crap, and keep hiring different property management firms that do absolutely nothing for the property owners, and keep increasing, and increasing monthly fees have served to REDUCE property values because the costs keep going up from frivolous crap. People don't want to buy because of the ever increasing fees that should not have been increased. I hate HOA'S.
They like to play little Hitler.

There is huge condo village in my town, over 5,000 units after one time trying to do an install I would not even talk to someone over a dish there, no dealer wants to do the paperwork, and meetings it could cost you more as a installer then you could make, just not worth it for me, when I was working.

Way too much BS. and trees most could never see the birds either

Been there, done that. It’s not worth it.

One place wanted an engineering diagram, with the exact weight, color and height of the dish and wanted the customer to take out an insurance policy Incase the dish fell off the roof and killed someone.
Been there, done that. It’s not worth it.

One place wanted an engineering diagram, with the exact weight, color and height of the dish and wanted the customer to take out an insurance policy Incase the dish fell off the roof and killed someone.

Me too Claude, like our time, was free.

Did once, for our local high school because my son was in it at that time, and the whole job's labor was a gift, only to find out the school wanted me to double the price, so they could increase there budget.

I'm a taxpayer who told them their crooks, I didn't do it, and at that time I was hurting
for cash, but I'm not a crook.
There seems to be a lot of hard line stances in here about HOAs, and that’s fine. I don’t necessarily like mine either.

However, for the OP, fact of the matter is if you already live in a HOA community and don’t want to sell the house and move, defiance will get you nowhere since they probably have the ability to fine and put liens on the property.
The OP really needs to find out why after 20 years the satellite dish on his balcony has become an issue. Did he have an agreement with the prior management of the HOA to allow the dish? If so, then he should be able to claim that his dish is grandfathered in. Why the crackdown on his dish now?

If you have the smart pack can you add other packs besides these?

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