360 HD DVD not selling well?


AKA Stuart628
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 21, 2004
Akron (Cleveland), Oh

Interestingly, from a next-gen DVD standpoint the Xbox 360 HD DVD peripheral sold 42K units. So technically, within the gaming universe the PS3/Blu-ray install base is nearly five times greater.

that is a quote from the article, this is news to me as everyone has been saying this is huge!! now I do realize that everyone that buys a addon is buying HD DVDs, but someone has to also realize that more then 10% of the Ps3 owners will buy Blu rays I would think.....also maybe not right now as people are selling them on ebay, but def. around christmas/after christmas!
We pre-sold a few hundred and orders are flowing very steadily. Not selling as well as the HD-A2, but my company has enjoyed very strong Xbox 360 HD DVD adaptors.

could it be a supply issue?
You do know that that is 42k units in about a two week period in November with virtually no advertising effort? Sounds great to me especially since every single one of them will be HD DVD players and not game consoles. You cannot say the same for the PS3. Also those sales figures increase every day for the Add on not so for the PS3.
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If you are asking about a supply issue for the Xbox HD-DVD addon, then I would say no...at least not in my area. Nearly every store I visited looking for a PS3 or Wii had at least two HD-DVD's sitting on the Xbox shelves.

Maybe everybody is having too much fun playing their 360 games? :D

I've had my PS3 for three days now, and I haven't even popped in a DVD yet to test it out. That's funny to me, because the main reason why I wanted the PS3 was for the Blu-ray DVD player for a good price...gaming was just a bonus. My oldest daughter and I have been playing the downloaded demos of MotoStorm and Resistance...and downloading updates twice in three days. :rolleyes:
You do know that that is 42k units in about a two week period in November with virtually no advertising effort? Sounds great to me especially since every single one of them will be HD DVD players and not game consoles. You cannot say the same for the PS3. Also those sales figures increase every day for the Add on not so for the PS3.

This is very true not even a month and "NO" advertising.
I thought there was advertisingm, I have game informer the magazine and remember seeing a big picture of king kong with it saying something like see it like youve never seen it before, or I dont know I will have to check before I open my mouth for sure :)
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Some numbers for you to think about (my estimates):

- 42,000 of those 42,000 HD DVD add-on's sold were bought to watch HD DVDs.
- 100,000+ of the 197,000 PS3's sold were bought to sell on eBay (check completed sales on eBay)
- What percentage of that remaining 97k were bought to watch Blu-ray?

Personally, I'm waiting or sales figures on the titles before making any judgment as to which is doing better this holiday. Particularly those titles which were released in both formats.


- Shane
Video Business posts the top 10 charts for BluRay and HD DVD sales on separate charts but they don't show figures....
The 100,000 sold on eBay will eventually be owned by gamers, probably at Xmas. So the question is what % of the 197,000 will buy/watch BD movies after Xmas. I doubt that 42,000 out of the 197,000 will be used for movies, at least not at first. That would be over 20%.

After BD players become more common, and yes, including PS3s being readily available, we should get a better feel for the popularity of this format. I keep reading the prices of HD-DVD & BD players will be about the same in a few months, mostly due to HD-DVD player price increases. We'll see. Check back in a year.
My point about the eBay number was to point out that these are only very loosely considered "sales". So you might not say that 197,000 were sold, if 50,000 are still on the eBay market.

- Shane
My questions is this also, was the 42,000 number the inital launch? some articles are good at just giving their point of view, I think that will help us determine what is selling better as of right now, as really Blu ray is just now entering the market. Also I talked to a media manager at wal mart and ALOT of wal marts arent even going to decide blu ray or HD DVD till feb. when they do their reset (which is look at the numbers at the stores that already sell the items, PLUS their tester stores.) I asked her what they were leaning torwards as far as unified movies, and she said Blu ray has the lead as the tie in between the PS3 and Blu ray would be huge for them (think 25% off movies when you buy a PS3 on the same ticket.)
Some numbers for you to think about (my estimates):

- 42,000 of those 42,000 HD DVD add-on's sold were bought to watch HD DVDs.
- 100,000+ of the 197,000 PS3's sold were bought to sell on eBay (check completed sales on eBay)
- What percentage of that remaining 97k were bought to watch Blu-ray?

Personally, I'm waiting or sales figures on the titles before making any judgment as to which is doing better this holiday. Particularly those titles which were released in both formats.


- Shane

I just would like to see the movies released in all formats. let the buying public decide which way to go. the numbers will speak for themselves. Only the Geeks and early adopters like us care about numbers. the real buying public does''t like to spend the money for HD. so until the price of the players come way down they will never realize big numbers of sales.
21,000/week on average equates to ~1 million units a year guys.

Realistically that probably won't be sustained. But I could see 10K units a week sustained for a while which would put it up into the half a million category at the end of the first year.

I just sold my Toshiba HD-1A and bought the HD DVD add on for the Xbox 360. I just couldnt take the following issues with the unit.

1. Just too damn slow to boot up
2. Hate the remote
3. Dont like the speed or response to change format from 720p to 1080i
4. Its soo dang big
5. HDMI to DVI did not work on my LCD monitor
6. Switching between component and HDMI out was a real pain in the arse.
7. It wouldnt play some of my DVDs

In the end, I really like the Xbox add on. I much prefer the speed, response and navigation with the Xbox. Picture looks good since my primary TV is component only. The Toshiba picture was good, I just absolutely hated that unit. So I hope HD DVD continues to do well and the Xbox add on catches on.
There are supply issues in my area. I found one store that has had the hd dvd for the 360 since it launched and that was sams club which is selling it for $180.
Some numbers for you to think about (my estimates):

- 42,000 of those 42,000 HD DVD add-on's sold were bought to watch HD DVDs.
- 100,000+ of the 197,000 PS3's sold were bought to sell on eBay (check completed sales on eBay)
- What percentage of that remaining 97k were bought to watch Blu-ray?

Personally, I'm waiting or sales figures on the titles before making any judgment as to which is doing better this holiday. Particularly those titles which were released in both formats.


- Shane

And where are those 100,000 PS3 sellers on E-Bay?
I just sold my Toshiba HD-1A and bought the HD DVD add on for the Xbox 360. I just couldnt take the following issues with the unit.

1. Just too damn slow to boot up
2. Hate the remote
3. Dont like the speed or response to change format from 720p to 1080i
4. Its soo dang big
5. HDMI to DVI did not work on my LCD monitor
6. Switching between component and HDMI out was a real pain in the arse.
7. It wouldnt play some of my DVDs

In the end, I really like the Xbox add on. I much prefer the speed, response and navigation with the Xbox. Picture looks good since my primary TV is component only. The Toshiba picture was good, I just absolutely hated that unit. So I hope HD DVD continues to do well and the Xbox add on catches on.

This is the reason HD-DVD will not succeed. No format can survive if they must depend on a game system to procure new adopters. And Toshiba can not continue the good fight if you guys keep taking back Toshiba's HD-DVD players and purchase the 360's add-on. The more this happens the stronger the BluRay camp gets. There are currently 4 standalone BluRay players on the market and they are currently doing well. I can see Toshiba looking at M$ and saying thanks for nothing but we are outta here! Every company that has got into bed with M$ has bit the bullet. If Toshiba does not bring out its $899 player ( has been pushed back twice now) then look for Toshiba in the BluRay camp by summer. They have got to be able to make money and they don't make squat on the 360's HD-DVD drive and they have not been making money on the $499 unit--especially since folks keep taking it back and buying M$'s add-on. Interesting things happening right now.

Why all the Doom & Gloom?

Why all the hoopla about which format?

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