Jericho is renewed for 7 more episodes

Holy crap it might just happen! Taken from;title;0om_act=convert&om_clk=headlinessh reports "multiple sources" are saying that CBS is in talks to bring back sci-fi show; LA Times confirms story.

If's Michael Ausiello is correct, it appears that CBS executives may be listening to the pleas of its viewers.

The gossip hound says that "multiple sources" have indicated that CBS is very close to greenlighting a deal to bring the Skeet Ulrich vehicle back to the airwaves. The agreement would allegedly bring the show back for eight episodes, possibly as soon as mid-season.

When CBS left Jericho off its 2007-2008 schedule, fans of the show went ballistic. Online petitions were signed, message boards were flooded, and CBS execs had their e-mail boxes bloated with pleas to renew the show.

But the most creative ploy saw fans sending nuts to the corporate offices in defiance. The idea was spawned from the show, when Ulrich's character replied "Nuts!" to a neighboring city offering the post-apocalyptic town a surrender. The phrase "Nuts" was borrowed from US general Anthony C. McAuliffe, who said the same thing to German forces during World War II.

Online retailer got in on the act, offering discounts to fans who wanted to send heaps and heaps of nuts to CBS, and the Jericho fanatics gladly took them up on their offer. According to the Web site, 39,279 pounds of peanuts have been shipped.

As far as extending the number of episodes, eight would not be enough for Jericho producer and creator Carol Barbee, according to the Los Angeles Times.

"The idea would not be to bring it for eight and out, but to bring it back for eight with the hope that it would keep going," Barbee told the LA Times. "They're making deals with the actors and there's other logistical stuff to work out too. Swingtown was supposed to take over the same stages so it's a lot about the logistics of how to work out a schedule that works for all of us."
I changed the title of the thread to reflect the actual status of Jericho. Since we are only dealing with rumors right now...
CBS Mulls Axing 'Jericho' After Protests

Full Story

Fans trumpeting the cause of CBS' canceled drama "Jericho" have caught the network's ear. CBS, deluged with calls, messages and shipments of nuts signifying viewer displeasure, is reconsidering its decision, a source close to the production said Tuesday.

The source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. A decision on whether to bring the show back, probably for a midseason run, is imminent, the source said.

"We are tired of the networks (not just CBS) tossing aside quality programming," was the message carried by, one of several web sites protesting the cancellation. "Enough! We're going to fight for this one."

Clarke Ingram, a "Jericho" fan from Pittsburgh, Pa., and a spokesman for jericholives, said he was optimistic that CBS would find a way to revive the drama about a Kansas town isolated by a nuclear terrorist attack.

"People would paint this as teenagers in tinfoil hats" rallying behind the show, said Ingram, 50, an operations manager for two radio stations. "That's not what this is. These are educated professionals."
Looking forward to the official announcement. I just hope they commit to a full season and now just 8 episodes. But it sure looks good.
Well if they don't tie up the story and give some satisfaction to the viewers we will be right back where we started from. Eight episodes won't be enough to complete the whole thing. They need to bring it back for an entire season.
More positive signs:

Zap2it is reporting the same story:

Has CBS gone nuts?

According to a wide swath of media reports, CBS is on the verge of bringing "Jericho" back from the dead, ordering the previously cancelled drama for at least a limited midseason run.

The plan appears to be to have "Jericho" back for seven or eight episodes at midseason, which would allow the show's fans to see the resolution of Jericho's ongoing conflict with the neighboring town of New Bern.

After averaging 10.7 million viewers in its first 11 episodes last fall, "Jericho" lost nearly 3 million viewers after an extended mid-year hiatus and a return against FOX's "American Idol." The producers opted not to resolve most of the season's running plotlines, leaving fans furious at CBS when the show failed to make the network's fall schedule. Supporters of the show inundated CBS with nuts, responding to the finale's last line, which echoed General Anthony McAuliffe's famous response to a German surrender request at Bastogne.

Those nuts appear to have done their job.

Although the news was initially broken online, The Hollywood Reporter has the most details on the complications holding up an official announcement.

While CBS has contract options on most of the show's leads, the reduced order would also probably include a reduced budget and, in turn, a reduced regular cast. In addition, many of the show's writers have already migrated to other shows, including season one showrunner Carol Barbee, now serving in a similar capacity on another CBS midseason drama, "Swingtown."

Stay tuned for Zap2it for the official announcement.
Made it to

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Fans trumpeting the cause of CBS' canceled drama "Jericho" have caught the network's ear.

CBS, deluged with calls, messages and shipments of nuts signifying viewer displeasure, is reconsidering its decision, a source close to the production said Tuesday.

The source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. A decision on whether to bring the show back, probably for a midseason run, is imminent, the source said.

"We are tired of the networks (not just CBS) tossing aside quality programming," was the message carried by, one of several Web sites protesting the cancellation. "Enough! We're going to fight for this one."

Clarke Ingram, a "Jericho" fan from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a spokesman for jericholives, said he was optimistic that CBS would find a way to revive the drama about a Kansas town isolated by a nuclear terrorist attack.

"People would paint this as teenagers in tinfoil hats" rallying behind the show, said Ingram, 50, an operations manager for two radio stations. "That's not what this is. These are educated professionals."

The show's daring premise, its writing and acting make the case for its survival, he said.

Several factors could work in the show's favor: It appeals to the young adult viewers sought by advertisers and was one of CBS' most popular shows streamed online, indicating an audience beyond that measured by traditional ratings.

CBS may also be considering the dent a long hiatus put in the show's viewership, the same scheduling misstep that hurt ABC's "Lost" and NBC's "Heroes."

The network apparently has been impressed by the display of viewer passion, which included the delivery of 50,000 pounds of peanuts to its New York offices. In the season finale, a character replies "Nuts!" to a demand that the beleaguered town of Jericho surrender.

That's the same response that a U.S. general in World War II made to a German demand for surrender at the Battle of the Bulge.

There's already been one positive outcome: CBS is donating the protest peanuts to charities, including one that sends care packages to troops overseas.
TV Week is reporting it is official:

"Please stop sending us nuts," writes CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler.

Ms. Tassler today posted a letter on CBS's "Jericho" Web site announcing the apocalyptic drama has been renewed for seven episodes to air in midseason. The network has been bombarded with about 40,000 of peanuts by incensed fans lobbying the network to renew the freshman series, whose season finale cliffhanger found the citizens of Jericho on the verge of war with a neighboring town.

Rather than continuing to pressure CBS, Ms. Tassler urged fans to channel their passion into recruiting more viewers.

"You got our attention; your emails and collective voice have been heard," she wrote. "But, for there to be more "Jericho," we will need more viewers ... we will count on you to rally around the show, to recruit new viewers with the same grass-roots energy, intensity and volume you have displayed in recent weeks."

CBS plans to re-air the first season this summer, release the season on DVD Sept. 25 and hinted at online extensions to keep fans engaged until the show returns next year.

"Jericho" averaged a 2.8 rating among adults 18 to 49, according to Nielsen, though the ratings fell off sharply after its midseason hiatus. Nonetheless, CBS appreciated the program for its younger-skewing demographics and heavy online interest.

Bringing back the series in midseason allows CBS to run a second season straight through without repeats-just like Fox's "24" and ABC's "Lost" next year.

Only a order of seven episodes. The critical question is will they use those episodes to wrap-up the series, or will they use them to try to build a user-base so it gets a 13 or 16 episode run for the spring. Since it won't come back until mid-season, it is critical that those first episodes are strong.

Good news on the summer re-runs.
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Goes to show the power of the internet, now if only we could get this kind of passion directed at politicians maybe something would actually get done! Really glad to hear they will re-air it this summer and something tells me there won't be a 3 month break in it this time! Lets hope this works and we can get some more people watching it!
This is great news, Now I guess the we have to try to get people interested in the show, although from what I have been reading it seems Jericho has one of the most educated, informed & tech savvy viewer ships. Long live Jericho
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A few notes....

Psyched about the 8 episode commitment. At least we'll find out what happened with New Bern.....

They already lost the old Mayor to a gunshot wound. The battle gives them an excuse to whack a few more characters. Skeet's older brother is annoying (he gets all the soap opera plotlines which should just go away), but I like the old IRS agent and her farmer. I hope they keep them...

Hawkins and Skeet are the star attractions. I'd like for them to team up to go after Benzali (the mastermind of the whole shebang). Keep Ashley Scott's character and bring back more of the scenes with her and her Dad. He can be a great unconventional cavalry in some extreme circumstances....

Nice to see us talking about the plotlines again. I just hope that the cancellation didn't cause too many of the critical behind the scenes folks to jump ship...

Oh, and CBS?.... DON'T put it against American Idol again please? Geez, the ratings fell 3 million after the three month hiatus, which you used as justification for cutting it.... With AI getting 30 MILLION viewers a week, where did you THINK they were coming from?
This is amazing, and I'm pleased.

Unfortunately, I don't think the ratings will be any better. So, I really hope they use whatever they get to close out the story.

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