Recent content by brookswashere

  1. B

    HD-Tivo at CC again

    Best Buy has them too. They are really starting to fly now.
  2. B

    HD-Tivo at CC again

  3. B

    pictures of my VOOM, big OTA ant.

    I just checked Antennaweb and I am a little upset. I live in Dallas and all of the digital stations are UHF except for 1. That would be our ABC affiliate. Why in the hell would they do that? If it was UPN or WB I wouldn't really care.
  4. B

    Will we be blessed with Maria Sharapova in HD?????

    Nope. NBC is not showing it in HD. Sorry.
  5. B

    Want DTV, have questions

    You can also purchase a wireless telephone jack for about $40 and not worry about getting a second line. You plug your current phone line into the "base" of the wireless jack. Then you plug the wireless connection into an electrical outlet and use it like a new phone line. Mine works great...
  6. B

    Win Dallas Cowboy Tickets!

    When is the announcement supposed to be made?
  7. B

    Looking to have your HDTV ISFed?

    I assume that the other guys listed on that website are top quality as well. I live in Dallas and would like it done soon.
  8. B

    Looking to have your HDTV ISFed?

    Can I assume that the other guys that work for the same company are top notch as well? One of them is near me in Dallas.
  9. B

    Will US Open be in HD?

    No it isn't. And the CBS HD broadcast of golf is cool about 20% of the time. Most of the shots are not in HD. The only HD shots are from the cameras at the greens. But I know it's expensive and difficult to do on a wide basis so I at least give them props for getting the ball rolling.
  10. B

    Simple Question

    Phase III? Got it. Thanks guys. I will make sure I ask them for that when I setup my install.
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    Simple Question

    I have decided to make the switch to DirectTV. I eventually want to get the HD Tivo but can't right now. Would it be much of a hassle to get the SD Tivo installed with a dish that would allow me to upgrade to HD later by just buying a new receiver without having to deal with another install?
  12. B

    Am I Gay?

    I am always amused by guys who are "sickened" by seeing 2 guys together but have no problem with 2 hot girls.
  13. B

    New Direct TV news "And speaking of next generation products, limited shipments of the DirecTV’s HDTV decoder and TiVo DVR combo box have begun. There are no plans at this time to introduce more TiVo HDTV boxes, the company may have some new...
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    HD receiver conversion

    I recently bought a Toshiba widescreen projection HDTV and when I watch shows on me E* receiver it is very pixelated and doesn't look good at all. When I make the switch to D* HD will the receiver do any converting of the SD digital signal to make it look better on my TV?
  15. B

    Got My Direct TV Yesterday

    I will soon be making the switch too. I am trying to find the right time to do it so I can get the HD10-250 with my install.