Recent content by coisado

  1. C

    HDHomerun, DVBViewer Clear QAM and OTA

    I read through both your write up here and on the dvbviewer forum about configuring the HDhomerun on transedit. I cannot seem to replicate your results. would you mind taking a look at these screen shots and let me know if they are what i should be putting? Thanks
  2. C

    Ajak Horizon 180 to GBOX

    Worked perfectly! Thanks for the help. I am really excited to get this puppy up. I just have to beat the snow :)
  3. C

    Ajak Horizon 180 to GBOX

    I just picked up a 10' winegard dish with a ajak 180. Now being a BUD newbie i have never wired an actuator before. I need some direction on how to wire a GBOX up to the ajak. I found the ajak manual on this site but am still a bit confused. On page 8 of the manual it states: Connect final...
  4. C

    azbox ultra gets stuck on wait...

    Do all of the streams work? I tried tried them in vlc but was unable to get most of them to come up.
  5. C

    Prof 7301, 7500 and 8000 Tuners

    Excited to see what it can do. I just bought myself one today!
  6. C

    Azbox Ultra hardware blind scan test

    Does it do 4:2:2 ? If so.. this could become a very popular box.
  7. C

    Prof 7301, 7500 and 8000 Tuners

    blindscan Pendragon, I know you were working on the linux drivers to see if you could get the demodulator to do blindscan. Have you had any progress on this? I would throw in my efforts if i had the skills to do so. Thanks for all your information and input.
  8. C

    Free Birdview in Montana

    Just found this on craigslist. I wish i could go get it but.......sigh I hope there is someone in the forum that can snag it. It would be a shame to see it get scrapped. hxxp://
  9. C

    DVBViewer and dvbworld 2104 help

    quick question about the pilot setting. what rolloff if any do i need to enter when the pilot is selected on?
  10. C

    DVBViewer and dvbworld 2104 help

    Hey guys i am trying to get the dvbworld 2104 to work with dvbviewer. I read through the thread about the 2104 and tried to follow the posted suggestions but i have not be able to lock a dvb-s2 8psk feed. i am trying to lock the nbc mux on amc 1 12000 H 30000 5/6 dvb-s2 8psk pilot on. I can...
  11. C

    Usals and motor limits question on DG-380

    Well funny you mentioned your experience. It seems that my motor is working just fine now. I hope that it continues to do so.:) Thanks for you help.
  12. C

    Usals and motor limits question on DG-380

    I agree. I would even say that I totally screwed my bother other than the fact that the he is a broadcast engineer at a local station and had a couple of surplus dishes. He is a very good resource for an fta hobbyist. :)
  13. C

    Usals and motor limits question on DG-380

    no not here at my house. I made the mistake of giving it to my brother in return for a 1.2 channel master dish. :)
  14. C

    Usals and motor limits question on DG-380

    I recently purchased another dg-380 (I had another dg-380 that has since been donated to a friend and the reason that I have these replacements). The previous configuration worked like a charm to drive the motor via usals and mytheatre. However, I have not had quite the same experience with the...
  15. C

    Collection of satellite calculators

    maybe i was confused about live links. Other forums I am on (soccer and such) for some reason frown on them. I have no idea. I thought i had read that here as well. At any rate the calculators are pretty interesting. I would like to know how the symbol rate calculator works if anybody knows.