Recent content by dneitzel

  1. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    I also read as much as I can digest about satellite reception and about equipment. Problem is that so much of it is written for folks that have a whole level of understanding beyond mine.. For instance.. Here is what I run across all the time... I was reading thru the FAQ in the FTA section of...
  2. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    Sergie Jeese! How do you keep track of all this information? Well no wonder I couldn't get them.. What receiver would you recommend for the DVB-S2 signal if I could spend $300? Just off the top of your head are there a number of receivers that do DVB, DVB-S2, MPG4, MPG2 and whatever the next...
  3. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    Sergie I dont think I was off any nor was it because of a loose connection. I can tell because the adjacent channels came in just fine. I do wonder about that H/V switcher though. It might be that I am only picking up the H or the V...I'll check into that..
  4. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    Sergie I was just looking at the Fridge site and the FS1.. I like it.. Thanks
  5. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    Sergei I do the same thing with the 4D..since I use it only for moving the dish around I have a 7" monitor attached to it so I can see the menus.
  6. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    Sergie I need both c and Ku. I like the rack mount frame on the DBS3800. But I have not seen many other rack mounts that also offer s-video out. We do operate 24/7. The Traxis never gets shut down. We now take two or more feeds a day from it. This is the kind of thing that frustrates me...
  7. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    My Traxis is also a DBS3800...same as Sergie's. Thanks to all who helped out...I reallly appreciate the time you took to give me a hand..
  8. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system here's what I think I'm hearing. The system is a keeper. Power wash it immediately. The LNB group should continue to provide good service and there is no reason to replace it. Be on the watch for H/V switching failure. The actuator should also continue providing good service. If I want...
  9. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    Sergie: I'll have to check on that Traxis model number tomorrow.
  10. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system I'm not that great with size estimates... I guess I could never be one of those carny guys that guesses your weight within 5lbs..
  11. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    The pics of the system are here: BTV10 Sat Dish and to my surprise after breaking out the measuring tape, its not a 2meter dish its a 3meter dish.. Thanks for all your suggestions and direction I really appreciate the help...
  12. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    BTW: The system is from about 1996. It came from a TCI Cable head end and was moved to its present location and turned over to the community about 2000.
  13. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    I have the photos but I have to wait til this evening to post them. Probably after 10pm Pacific. I see that the LNB is a Chapperal..I can see patent numbers but no model number. The motor is a Venture and if M on the paper sticker means model # its a 7/00 or possibly 7100. I can see that the...
  14. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    Sergei- I see what you mean..Thanks for the explanation.
  15. dneitzel

    Upgrading an old c-band analog system

    RV1Pop- Not a Christian station but I certainly appreciate the effort. Thanks..