Recent content by FLORIDA_VIKING


    Please help with VOOM problem

    I found another thread which addressed this problem. Thanks to everyone for the help. Feel free to delete this thread.

    Please help with VOOM problem

    I am getting the message: Please correct the DVI connection. Your DVI device is not responding to HD content protect request. I started getting this today 1/25, my DVI imput seems to be working correctly because I get my menu in 1081i just no channels on VOOM. Please if anyone knows what the...

    Don't Give Up! Stay with VOOM!

    I just got Voom installed yesterday...WOW, I LOVE IT. I will stay until the end, maybe the programing will continue under another provider. If not R.I.P, I will miss it.

    Is Voom Even Listening About Lousy Installs?

    Installers? Today is the 4th time the installer has not showed up. Voom needs to look at who is installing their product. The first time my installer called he said I would only get a total of 15 channels with Voom. The install company's guys must be smoking crack or be working for the other...

    Rainbow Spin-off is dead

    Hang on Voom I hope Voom does not go away. I just got my 60" HDTV and can't wait to break it in. The biggest problem that I have where I live is getting the installer to my house. Today is the 4th time they have not showed up. Between that and the guys at S**RS talking bad about Voom it's no...