Recent content by Jeep4xfun

  1. J

    New Directv Recievers

    -100 is Thomson manufacture, who bought Hughes about a year ago.
  2. J


    Hm. That's great, but Metron went out of business about a month ago. Closed their doors and locked out their employees. Anyone else?
  3. J


    OK, for those of you who are DIRECTV authorized retailers, who's the preferred distributor?
  4. J

    DirecTV Communications to Customers...

    I can certainly appreciate your frustration and concern. As a manufacturer's representative, I would encourage you to understand the situation from a perspective OUTSIDE of your elevated emotional situation right now. 1. DIRECTV is trying to roll out new product, manufacture and import...
  5. J

    DirecTV MPEG4 Rollout to begin

    One rebate per household for all DVR DIRECTV products.
  6. J

    I need a new HDTV

    whatever you like the most. EVERYONE has an opinion about what looks the best. Me, I'd spend the money on a high quality plasma, but that's because all I do is sell tv's & satellite equipment. WHAT LOOKS THE BEST TO YOU? is the appropriate question, not "What should _I_ buy?"
  7. J

    Will Sunday Ticket price go down?

    Effective 9/22/05, DIRECTV lowered the price by $30.
  8. J

    Best Buy and DirecTV 3 LNB Dishes`

    charper1 - There is a lot more to the process than your oversimplified rendition. 1. you need to create a spec which you then send to manufacturers and tell them to spool up. 2. Multiswitch pieces are all built in China and require about 3-6 months to spool up for production. 3...
  9. J

    Rca Dtc210 Hd Stb...

    I sell the DTC210s wholesale and am getting great reviews on them versus the Toshiba DST3100. The DTC210 looks to much better thought out and is blazing fast when compared to some other STB's that have been out there. The software is similar (it looks identical) to the Samsung software and...
  10. J

    DirecTV Fall promotion

    The point of clarity here: If you don't care about football, you still receive the best package at a much lower cost even if you never switch the first football game on. There will be 4 games per week on Sunday on the NFL Sunday ticket broadcast in HDTV exclusively on DIRECTV. There...
  11. J

    Directv receivers

    I sell DIRECTV equipment in a wholesale environment and have not seen a 3-4 second lag on channel change is several years. 3-4 seconds upon initial power up or whatever, yes, but channel up or down - no Way!
  12. J

    New to direct tv.. Got a ?

    I have to admit, in 3 years of working with 1000's of retailers, this si the first time I have ever heard someone say the DIRECTV customer service was "far better" than Dish! I know it's your opinion, but wow!
  13. J

    Tivo account

    The lifetime sub is lifetime of that particular unit. Have 6 Tivo in the house? Have 6 lifetime fees.
  14. J

    Need Receiver Recommendation

    Let me start by saying that I work for an RCA distributor so my views will be biased: The Ultimate TV piece you have, the DWD490, is obsolete, and a complete waste of space. Microsoft, RCA, & DIRECTV never were able to come together to get anything near a good situation with the Ultimate...