Recent content by jeffcat

  1. J

    Comcast vs. Direct TV in Atlanta

    Yes it does... I think that is the way to go. I talked with two different people on the phone yesterday, and one was willing to work with me - but you're right, if I can get past them to a supervisor, I should be able to get it taken care of. You'd think for almost a $200 a month bill they...
  2. J

    Comcast vs. Direct TV in Atlanta

    I did tell them I was going to get rid of my Direct TV set up and all they were offering was the $25 off per month for 16 months. Nice deal, but if I don't like Comcast, she wasn't clear on if I would have to refund any monies if I cancelled my service before the year and a half was up. Also...
  3. J

    Comcast signal strength

    Does anyone know what the signal strength for Comcast is supposed to be from the street coming into the house? For those of you who have seen my few posts, I have a home that is undergoing a remodel and it is located in an older neighborhood in Atlanta. I have run / installed a new...
  4. J

    Comcast vs. Direct TV in Atlanta

    Thanks - and one more thing... Thanks Longhorn... I just talked with Comcast on the phone and they did confirm that the digital cable / HD / VOiP is available in my area. I was also told that if I subscribe to - for example, the "digital platinum" with HD I'll have all the channels in 100%...
  5. J

    Comcast vs. Direct TV in Atlanta

    Hello everyone... I am a newbie to the site but was hoping I could get some good advice about Comcast picture quality vs. Direct TV in the Atlanta area. I have been a customer with Direct TV for almost 10 years now, but I have moved to a new house that is being remodeled. I am at a point...
  6. J

    Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

    Newbie Yes, another newbie to the site - just stopping in to say "hi". I'll get around to updating a profile in a little while with my current set up and what I am about to get (as a result of a home remodel) - Hehe! What fun it will be to get the latest and greatest! That's why I'll be...