Recent content by jiangcx

  1. J

    No signal (level and quality) for my coolsat 4000 pro

    I have a new coolsat 4000 pro universal package (including coolsat 4000 pro receiver, DisEqc1.2 rotor HH90 and a 33'' dish). I was be able to get some channels before, but all of sudenly, I can not get anything, even the level bar signal is missing (highest 14%), the quality is almost 0. Even...
  2. J

    Coolsat 4000 pro firmware install and card reader

    I think this is the one I used. After unzip the file, it became Coolsat4000_reader_20050803. Thank you, Jiangcx
  3. J

    Coolsat 4000 pro firmware install and card reader

    Thank you, TreDEE! I am not sure I understand your question. The card reader is installed in the coolsat 4000 pro receiver, I do not know what you mean straight through cable. Do you mean to reset the database to factory default? Then what should I do next, I am not sure what is the bin file...
  4. J

    Coolsat 4000 pro firmware install and card reader

    Hi, I am trying to down load the software for my coolsat 4000 pro receiver. It seems everything goes well at the beginning: system resetting, and then copy 10%, 20%, and alll the way to 100%. But then it start to erasing, and writing, 10% to 100%. Finally it tells software was detected, the...
  5. J

    What does firmware upgrade do?

    I have new coolsat 4000 pro. After install the firmware, the receiver did not restart. Is this normal? I can only receive few CCTV channels. Thanks