Recent content by mikeskysoldier

  1. mikeskysoldier

    What is the best system I can get, as cheaply as possible, that will get me all FTA in USA & Englan

    Thank you for the info, so is it practical to think there is anything worthwhile, FTA wise, to invest in an 8 foot dish?
  2. mikeskysoldier

    What is the best system I can get, as cheaply as possible, that will get me all FTA in USA & Englan

    Hi everyone, thank you in advance for all of your input. I am new to this, and would like to get away from Comcast, and the satelite providors huge fees, can anyonetell me what I should get to make life as simple as possible, and, of course during theses hard times, as cheaply. I would like to...
  3. mikeskysoldier

    4 foot dish vs. 6 foot dish, need input

    If u live in the United States, no one can stop you from installing a Dish anywhere on the property you reside, call the FCC, and get the straight answer, but unless the laws have been changed, just a few years ago, that was the law.