Recent content by nsps

  1. N

    Time Warner Cable Dropping HDNet Channels Nationwide May 31

    In terms of OAR, uninterrupted programming and selection, HDNet Movies is the tops. They show a lot of good stuff, too.
  2. N

    Cancellation Conundrum

    Thanks for the info. So the cancellation process is the same either way, other than the extra charge to end the contract early?
  3. N

    Cancellation Conundrum

    Sorry for yet another Dish cancellation thread. I tried to bump an old one, because I didn't think the forum needed another, but the site wouldn't let me because it was too old. Before we start, here's a quick summary of info from past threads: Things we know: Cancellation will cost...
  4. N

    Sell me on Dish...

    Yeah, the hard-sale tactics are pretty annoying, especially when the Dish guy said, "And we don't have hidden extra charges like DirecTV." Which, of course, they do. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they all suck, but I can only review the ones I've used first-hand. But if Dish left me a satisfied...
  5. N

    Has your view on Platinum Changed

    During the movie. I don't care about commercials between movies, but during the movie I can't stand it. It breaks the flow and ruins the pacing. I don't mind skipping commercials on TV shows with planned breaks, but just can't do it. MGM HD really isn't bad at the moment, as the breaks are short...
  6. N

    Sell me on Dish...

    I think that anyone who is a big enough sports to need Direct over Dish probably knows it already. In general, if you like sports I think you can get plenty of entertainment, but if you want to spend the extra money for the NFL or MLB's full schedule, then you should go with Dish. The main...
  7. N

    Has your view on Platinum Changed

    My experience based on my viewing habbits (primarily movies). In the days of Voom (when it had a different name): Totally worth it. Until recently: Worth it for two channelsL HDNet Movies, which is a tad repetitive but no more than other premiums and makes a real effort to show interesting...
  8. N

    Where's GOL-TV, Charlie?? Bundesliga/La Liga???

    I agree with Yaz's rebuttal to this statement. There's nothing foolish about wrapping up existing negotiations now if Gol expects to make a bid for a slice of EPL in the coming weeks. Gol's people have secured their existing programing and have a better idea of how much money they can move...
  9. N

    Cancel Dish for better Deal?

    Thanks for the tip/warning. While I know from word of mouth that their DVR totally sucks, I'm really quite tempted to try it out just to take advantage of the deal and gain first-hand knowledge of just how bad it is. After all, I'll save a lot of money if it's good enough to cope and since it...
  10. N

    Cancel Dish for better Deal?

    Is this the permanent price or a temp price (other than the $10 discount, of course)? I've been paying about the same as Efenili for Bronze 100 with only one HD DVR but with HBO and Cinemax (and HD Platinum, which is only for HDNet Movies now that MGM HD started showing commercials). A...
  11. N

    Question about service technician fees

    If the muffler falls off not due to normal wear, but due to incompetent build, then the manufacturer should foot the bill. In my case, the Dish technician specifically told me that the guys who installed my Dish did it incorrectly, and may have damaged my roof in the process. I'm not sure why I...
  12. N

    Any body notice?

    I didn't notice because I am now in the habit of turning my sound way down, then back up, when I change the channel. I'll have to make an effort not to do so tomorrow and see if it's fixed. Thanks for the heads up!
  13. N

    No Goltv on Dish?

    Yeah, but that's a whole season missed to play the wait-and-see game. When I signed up for Dish, they also had a La Lige game a week in HD (20 games if you count all the repeats!) on Voom's World Sports. Now we get no La Liga whatsoever. Very disappointing. Add to that the non-Dish issue of...
  14. N

    Cinemax cropping HD movies?

    If Cinemax wanted the widescreen versions, they could get them—since the studios made OAR versions for the DVDs and Blu-rays/HD DVDs. They showed Braveheart correctly, but most of the other stuff I've seen has been wrong on it and its parent company, HBO (HBOSG is showing Ferris Bueller's Day...
  15. N

    Premium VS Voom Poll

    I wouldn't touch a DVD that didn't present a film in its original aspect ratio. The great thing about HD is that you still get a high-quality image, whereas with letterboxed 4x3 you could loose a lot of detail (although it's still better than losing the integrity of the original composition).