Recent content by peanut

  1. peanut

    Free Receiver of the Week Contest Thread- Satellite AV

    My favorite ? You might have a better shot at asking which kid!
  2. peanut

    Dish 721 error smart card not authorized...

    I have been having this "smart card not authorized" with my 721 for several days. Yesterday I went to watch some recordings and they were all gone! It was showing all 100 hr of record time free. I rebooted the box and my recordings were there again with only 40hr of record time free. Last...
  3. peanut

    Traxis DBS-3500 or Mercury II

    Thanks all for the information. I ordered the mercury II from Sat-AV. I have a few questions, but will start a new thread for that.
  4. peanut

    Traxis DBS-3500 or Mercury II

    I would like to pick up a new receiver for blind scanning in the near future. I can't make my mind up between the Mercury II and the traxis dbs-3500. Can anyone who has owned either offer any pros /cons about them? Does the Traxis DBS-3500 sport the "Stab-USALS" logo? THANKS!!
  5. peanut

    New here, but not completely green

    Hi all. I am new here but not really new to the hobby. I just saw a link here to an old Shawn Kenney video. What a coincidence that was because I was just thinking about his show the other day. That dosn't date me does it?