Recent content by popzezo

  1. P

    Why do I need a landline?

    there are a few reasons that the line is needed.. 1. to insure the customer has the ease of no call pay per view 2. to insure the customer has the full use of the dish at home button 3. to insure the customer has the receiver at the location that they say it is and not at cousin vinnies house...
  2. P

    Local Commercials, How do they do that?

    what no one has thought about is that the channels are done by region.. they have openings in the show that allow for regional info/show/news. just like your local channel is 90% abc all day.. and news and local commercials for the other 10% thats mpo
  3. P

    Strategy for getting out-of-market local channels

    i just love it when people change illegal to some other term to suit their arguement. E* cannot by law provide a channel that is not nationally cyndicated outside its broadcast market per fcc ruleing. that being said... if you knowingly and willfully cause E* to be in violation of this rule...
  4. P

    Local Commercials, How do they do that?

    locals arent conus... they are spotbeam
  5. P

    Dish expects me to wait until 10:30pm for tech to arrive

    to help the customers here understand what "floaters" are in the dish lingo FLOATER: a job that is allowed to be scheduled without the direct link to a tech on the event that some jobs are unable to be completed (ie. no line of sight, customer leaving for an emergency, not home). the down...
  6. P

    an answer to" how can i stop my kids from creating dvr timers that fill my hdd?"

    maybe dish needs to offer the "i cant take responsabilty for my ignorance" receiver. i know the "dont tell me how to raise my kids" customers. their the ones that have the lil bastards that hit, spit, call names, touch your tools/van/pole in wet concrete. if i knew your whiney, liberal, hippie...
  7. P

    Dish Network - a tale of sheer "DISGUST"

    as far as the dtv guys staying in the dtv forum.. do you blame them.. their customers are always comming to the E* side.. if D* cant keep the customers what makes you think that the D* forum can keeps its techs there?
  8. P

    Dish Network - a tale of sheer "DISGUST"

    you know this all goes back to my constant standby statement.. spoiled people deserve nothing... this isnt a charity.. its a business.. bone up and pay and you wont have problems..the saying you get what you pay for... never more true .. you paid nothing and got nothing
  9. P

    Dish expects me to wait until 10:30pm for tech to arrive

    ok a non typical day for for example 200 miles am 18 one room am 25 2 room dish move/one bad rec/ordered new am 12 bad phone line pm 12 bad lnb. not to code/ fixed brought to code pm 12 bad lnbs bad rec/fixed not to code issues/new lnb/ordered new rec for cust done by 4 pm now a...
  10. P

    Come On People! My Rant

    the original ones i aimed this thread at were the hoppers... the ones who switch from E* to D* to C* and back again. if your receiver has 4 numbers in its nomenclature.. im all for you getting the new.. if not your still too young
  11. P

    Poor Service

    its not that he has a poor attitude... it just gets soooo old being run in the ground at work.. it was fun... then the $ got to dish
  12. P

    Installer tells me it's illegal to install my dish?!?! HELP!

    wow when i started the whole they will burn out thing ,,, i didnt mean FIRE... omg .. i ment as in when a piece of cable goes bad... like a piece of cable hit by surge.. or a burned up barrel. didnt mean literal as far as SATGIRLS comment.. yea she has all of one comment.. and as far as...
  13. P

    Dish500 DPP Twin Question

    ok to use the dpp correctly.. one line from either port to the separator supplied in the 322 box.. if you didnt get one flag a tech down. this make the combined signal that the dpp twin makes separate. you may also diplex tv 2 down the same line and then break it back apart at your cable box...
  14. P

    Installer tells me it's illegal to install my dish?!?! HELP!

    with all the blunt comments and callling out of bull sh*t ive done .. you are gonna question my honor on this... if i post it, then i had a reason to.. we were forbidden to use flat til the new ones came to us, that was 6 months ago
  15. P

    Poor Service

    as a what you call "staco" i, a dns tech bend forward nor backward for anyone! rules is rules ma'am/sir ... aint happening