Recent content by rblasch470

  1. R

    No Uplink Reports...

    Stay safe and warm.
  2. R

    EA issues

    yeah, it was working earlier today, as a matter of fact up until the last hour or so.. no weather in the area.. wondering if the thaw and then a refreeze is affecting something... very very strange.
  3. R

    EA issues

    Anyone else having trouble with EA? I am in Atlanta and over the past couple of weeks, I have had complete signal loss on a regular basis. I understood when it was covered with SNOW last weekend, but it is getting progressively worse... my 61.5 channels seem to be un affected, but both 72 and...
  4. R


    Just got a new iMAC and would love to be able to watch TV on it. By all apearances this looks like the right thing, but wanted to see if anyone had any experience with it. Overview EyeTV HD Thanks in advance.
  5. R

    2/10/2010 2:07pm - Uplink Activity Report - 97 changes

    Just got off a chat with Tech support and they will be out tomorrow to upgrade me to EA. Painless, easy, 15 bucks... I got no complaints here IF they install goes as planned!
  6. R

    OK who has been a E sub the longest?

    January 98 and I got the self install kit direct from dish. Don't remember the receivers, but now it's a 722 and 622.
  7. R

    Home Made DVR

    Ok, thanks for the feedback... they do want to use their Comcast SD box to feed it if possible. They are NOT using OTA at this point. As far as a budget... it's not a huge concern, but they don't want to go nuts.
  8. R

    Atlanta HD Locals a mess

    Nevermind, it turns out it is one of the tuners on my 622, but only on locals. Time to talk to Dish...
  9. R

    Atlanta HD Locals a mess

    Anyone else having issues with HD locals? I get mine off or 61.5 and they are a mess. Digitizing, tearing up... the SD signals are fine and it appears everything else off of 61.5 is fine... I just can't bring myself to watch football in SD...
  10. R

    Home Made DVR

    Ok, so I wasn't building DVR's in 89, but I was building PC's and I actually did have that video card (it's probably still in the garage somewhere....) and by the way, it wasn't VCR's in series... it was, in fact, my Amiga running video toaster.... hooked up to 2 Sony BVH-1100 1" VTRs.... But...
  11. R

    Home Made DVR

    I'm an IT guy who has a computer client who wants me to build them a DVR. I have no issue building them, I've been doing it for 20 some years, but my question for you GURU's is what capture/DVR card do you recommend. They want to use it with their Charter SD Digital box and also pull OTA as...
  12. R

    TNT HD very jerky video

    Well for me on NFL it is: 61.5 2 59
  13. R

    TNT HD very jerky video

    Add that to the NBC affiliate really tearing up badly, it's not a good Satellite nite in the Atl
  14. R

    TNT HD very jerky video

    I really want to watch Da Bears.... it's almost like watching streaming video off a dial up
  15. R

    TNT HD very jerky video

    Being that we're both in the same area, could it be with the feed we're getting? I'm getting mine on 61.5...