Recent content by rdharper

  1. rdharper

    What is your Dish monthly bill?

    Because I wanted to make sure I'm not the only fool paying over 125 a month to Dish to watch the 20 or so channels I watch. What's your reason for spending the time asking given that the title of the thread is clear?
  2. rdharper

    Post Your Bill

  3. rdharper

    What is your Dish monthly bill?

    Link appears to have been removed... The poll should do it. I realize there are a lot of variables.... just curious.
  4. rdharper

    What is your Dish monthly bill?

    Curious what others are paying.
  5. rdharper

    Audio Dropout Problem (722, 722K)

    I have a repeatable problem with audio. The wife plays a lot of games... Playin TV. The sound will always drop out if she provides no input for several minutes. We have two 722s, they both do the same. No dropouts in normal TV mode. The receiver she is using will remain with no audio until...
  6. rdharper

    ViP 622 & 722 Running Bug Thread

    They fixed something.... Two 722's here. Since I've had them, we've had periodic required reboots due to freezing. This only happened while using the remotes, with RF or Infra-red. Lived with it, as the systems are otherwise great. Somewhere in the last few months, they've fixed the...
  7. rdharper

    Fox Business Added

    Both FOXB and Foxnews in HD magically appeared today... at least I noticed them for the first time. I almost switched to DirecTV sevearl times... but there is too much investment in teaching others how to use the systems... in the household... as well as common (extra remotes)... etc. I...
  8. rdharper

    How many times have you had your ViP 622/722 replaced?

    Once... about 6 months ago. I suspect high disk temperature, as my 722 highest disk temperature hits 138F, vrs 123F on the 925.
  9. rdharper

    722 Hang

    After living with this problem for two weeks... the problem went away. Didn't note whether there was a software upgrade. I do think it was a software problem, but its odd that no one else noted the problem. I don't think they changed the timeout limit before a forced reboot is invoked, I think...
  10. rdharper

    722 Hang

    722 times-out and hangs when deleting or skipping an item in a timer, or the schedule, then reboots. Any suggestions?
  11. rdharper

    Receiver resets, HDTV turns on in the middle of the night.

    Personally, I'd turn of the autoselection and leave it off. If you turn off the power to the TV, wouldn't you have to reset the clock, or does it pick that up off your power or phone line. How hard it is to just use the remote to switch to the input you are using? (having a hard time relating...
  12. rdharper

    Fox Business Channel!

    FBN... still waiting for Dish to add it.
  13. rdharper

    Fox Business Channel!

    Loss of the "Fairness Doctrine" is a real concern. Certainly the Dems long for the day when they could control the media. Technology drove the loss of this "doctrine". Once the major networks had competition, balance that reflected what Americans thought was the result. For the foreseeable...
  14. rdharper

    Fox Business Channel!

    Takers vs Makers. Those that depend directly or indirectly on Government are the base of the Dems. Rationalization by otherwise perfectly good people... is unlimited. Unfortunately... as government grows... more takers. That is where we are.