Recent content by riverdog

  1. riverdog

    DISH Network May Remove RFD-TV

    I love the classic steam train shows.....
  2. riverdog

    Receiver keeps turning off and on

    my 622 started doing the same thing yesterday. It'll shut down like it has overheated or something - then reboot, scan sats and come back on - but never stays on for more than 15 mins before doing it all again
  3. riverdog

    I gave up the DISH....

    I really just find it obscene that the Canadian government feels the need to protect the native television providers so strongly that it makes outside competition 'illegal'. If DISH and DirecTV were allowed to sell in Canada it would force those who are here to pick up their game. DISH was...
  4. riverdog

    I gave up the DISH....

    I subbed 13 years ago and never let it lapse......
  5. riverdog

    I gave up the DISH....

    Well gang, after 13 years of being a 'legal' (paying grey market customer - not a hacker or pirate) DISH subscriber I finally shut down and sold all of my DISH gear. I like NASCAR and football. Got tired of waiting for SPEED and FUEL HD offerings and will likely never see SUNDAY TICKET so I...
  6. riverdog

    The Dish April 1st New HD Saga (Merged Threads)

    so it's just 'local' news......... no national......
  7. riverdog

    So April 1st is right around the corner...

    Now that you mention it.......... where is SPEED HD? All-Star race and Coke 600 weekends in Charlotte ain't far off ya know.....
  8. riverdog

    So April 1st is right around the corner...

    you don't suppose the channel numbers will light up with an APRIL FOOLS message instead of actual programming..........
  9. riverdog

    Would you pay for a Sports Pack?

    The varied responses are such an eye opener. "One man's gold is another man's garbage" comes to mind. I would pay extra for Sunday Ticket. Football is pretty popular in our house and the 5 of us here each like a different team! ( GO COWBOYS ) I have Center Ice and love it! We watch hockey...
  10. riverdog

    Speed HD

    ya we hoped for SPEED by Daytona ~ then for the COKE 600 ~ now we just hope...... ummmm...... what was I saying again?
  11. riverdog

    Uncle Charlie :D this is how you can win me back

    The only thing that would get me to move would be Sunday Ticket - otherwise I'm enjoying my DISH
  12. riverdog

    What's your SD Viewing Preference?

    I have a Toshiba 62" DLP and I use the TheaterWide mode. It looks great - kind of a progressive stretch. The middle of the picture stays normal while it stretches a little more as it approaches the edges. It only looks funky during a quick pan across the screen ~ then it's kinda fisheye like......
  13. riverdog

    CHRISTMAS TV / Movie quotes

    If you can name it - you pick the next any TV show or movie quote is cool...... if it's a Christmas show...... i.e quote "I need to make a Christmas." correct answer Shrek in SHREK THE HALLS ready? let's play......... I'll go first. quote "I just don't...
  14. riverdog

    Song Name Game...

    The Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
  15. riverdog

    at the risk of getting bashed forever.... I Love Dish....

    Bell is good if you want to watch reruns of The Simpsons - it's always on.......