Recent content by RnR

  1. R

    Any suggestions on a budget minded, FTA setup.

    Ummm... did I miss something significant here, or are you just talking about the last bug fix in what was it - September or so? In any event, I do like the Coolsat 5000 for the budget role and a non-penetrating mount for the yard. That way if you want to test various locations before a final...
  2. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    Well, here we are! 97w is stable and active on the dish (which I guess is actually classified as an 84cm) - both polarities. Getting started, SatMex6 was the first satellite I discovered with my cheapo sat finder and a bit later, I headed back east and ended up one slot past 97.0w, then...
  3. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    That looks just like a Prodelin 1.2m I have. I would be most grateful if you would post a closeup pic or two of how you modified the original feed bracket to host the 40mm dia. LNB that was (teasingly) shown!
  4. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    Only (4) holes in the Zinwell... but otherwise you're on track (see my prior post).
  5. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    I don't think so... I got mine from an old commercial installation and had remove it off the building's roof.
  6. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    Gettin' close... What I've found is that the adapter/polarizer and it's hole pattern can be mated to the C120 flange - provided orientation is correct. If it doesn't match, try the 90-degree rotation trick and you'll get a (4) hole match up. That's a decent mechanical solution for any C120...
  7. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    That would be feasible if the hole patterns were built on the same dimensions... but alas, they are not. And as such, they do not match up by several mm. Nice thought however!
  8. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    Come on guys, put your thinkin' caps on!
  9. R

    Dual Polarity for Muzak dish / flange?

    I picked up one of those white Muzak dishes as referred to in this thread... and am having a problem coming up with a good solution for converting the specialized feed to dual polarity. Preferably, I want to...
  10. R

    Got a 1.2M dish. Possible miniBUD. Need advise from the wise

    I have the exact same dish and feed. After examination I decided to forgo any attempt to utilize the original feed as it is not a C-120 flange. Indeed... something oddball instead. As I was pursuing Ku, I stripped off the plastic housing of a regular Ku LNBf (as described elsewhere on...
  11. R

    New Satellite TV and Radio Stations

    Well... all we need is for them (DN) to continue to sue receiver manufacturers into non-existence (alleging conspiracy to facilitate signal theft or some such thing...). But perhaps a package using a DVB PC card would be cool add-on for the HTPC owners too. Anyway, I have (1) 24/7 ethnic music...
  12. R

    Giveaway - Win a Brand New SG9120 Motor & WS9036 90cm Satellite Dish

    I want to win the new SG9120 Heavy Duty DiSEqC Motor & The WS9036 36 Inch Dish
  13. R

    New Pictures: DVBWorld DVB-S2 USB & CA

    I like that... although I'd prefer to see a statement that indicates it has been TESTED with version xx.xx of those programs. But in any event, what is not to like about this package? Personally, I might look at a better power supply than a wall wart, but it certainly is about as portable as...
  14. R

    New Pictures: DVBWorld DVB-S2 USB & CA

    Hmm.... Hmmmm.... Me wonders if the receiver is slaved to the provided software or if the box could be used with 3rd party/pre-existing softwares?
  15. R

    Reclaimed CM .75M - usable for ??

    Hopefully 97.0W is a viable candidate as this was the original target.