Recent content by rodrigocn

  1. R

    Actuator Miscounts

    Can you explain it a little better with an example? Thank you
  2. R

    Actuator Miscounts

    In my experience it is quite usual the miscounts. For this reason many positioners implement "goto reference". Where the actuator is moved to one of the mechanical limits and the count is reset. The miscounts can be for various reasons, the most common is the same noise induced by the motor. I...
  3. R

    OTHER Old actuators and positioners

    Ok. The positioner I made counts the pulses from 0 to 32768. The reference point (0 pulses) is given by the mechanical limit of the actuator. ASC1 implements the function goto reference?
  4. R

    OTHER Old actuators and positioners

    Why the asc1 count negative pulses?. counting from 0 to 10,000 is not the same?
  5. R


    Yes, I prefer to use the PWM, you can make a soft start and soft stop Also in the case of H-H motors, the magnet is directly coupled to the shaft and the count is very fast. I have 2 H-H motors with the electronics damaged, I am making another version of the positioner for this type of motors
  6. R


    I do not use polarizer.
  7. R


    Hi. I currently have the pwm frequency at 800Hz. The value of 50hz that you see in the video is the frequency of the pulses received from the sensor The idea of dish1 / dish2 is that this positioner can control 2 actuators to position 2 independent antennas Some receivers implement the...
  8. R


    Hi. The frequency of the PWM with arduino is 490Hz if I remember correctly. I made the duty configurable because not all actuators are the same. To change the direction of rotation I use a relay and activate the actuator with a mosfet the smr1224 has some electronic circuits inside, maybe...
  9. R


    I have between 6 and 7 db of loss. In addition to the DISEQC commands I also had it switch between 2 receivers. The losses are identical in the 2 outputs. I think my problem is the design of the PCB with the F connectors
  10. R


    My methods to make the PCB are very basic. Use an electric iron and glossy paper something like that: These are the circuit diagrams that I have working now, I still have some errors in the software but it works
  11. R


    If you can write me by MP or in this thread. Now I use the arduino interrupts in CHANGE mode to count the pulses and it works fine. I was recommended to implement a PWM and a proportional speed control to stop the parabolic smoothly and stop at the exact position. I will adapt the actuator to...
  12. R

    Retrofit My Radioshack Dish Onto My KTI Mount

    If I understood correctly, are you going to mix 2 different antennas? Why don't you install the RadioShack with its original mount? I recently restored one and it is very good. He is over 20 years old and still works very well.
  13. R


    Very good design, Are you using interrupts to count the motor pulses?
  14. R


    Hi!. How is your diagram for the reed switch? I'm using this for now and it works relatively well Thanks for the info.
  15. R


    ASC1 detects the change of state of the reedswitch and counts 1 pulse in each state change?