Recent content by sathunterwv

  1. S

    Need help

    lol good one it is a little flimsy.. it does ok tho does better with one of your lnbs on it
  2. S

    Need help

    yea it'll at least give me something to do I just got done puttin this thing up and lined it in on G17
  3. S

    Need help

    yea I couldn't go wrong it was gave to me if nothing else it's more yard art lol
  4. S

    Need help

    oh I know I already have a 10fter a friend just gave me this 6fter I was just hoping to put a motor on it to play with guess i'll have to try to fabricate something wonder if I do if a hh120 motor will move it
  5. S

    Need help

    anyone know if I can put a motor / actuator on a dish like this one at ebay 1.8 m Satellite Dish, Prime Focus, C/ KU, with integrated mount, AZ/EL, NEW! | eBay
  6. S

    help DSR-4810

    I new to the forum anyway I was going through some c band stuff my dad had around I found a general instrument dsr-4810 and was wondering if it's good for anything like the free dc2 stuff or anything at all? from my searching I do believe its a cable headend unit but know nothing else