Recent content by silencio

  1. S

    Dual Stereo MP3 (Timetrax 3.4.7)

    This may be moot now but I'll post in case anyone has run into and resolved this problem. When I record in dual stereo MP3, the left channel records at a normal volume and the other channel is almost completely muted. The recording/playback input levels/balance are set correctly. When I use...
  2. S

    problem with recast 1.2

    Same problem with 1.2.6 here as well. These are the two errors that I'm getting. I looked for a debugging log in the TT folder but I didn't see one. Faulting application timetrax.exe, version, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x0001eb33. Faulting...