Recent content by susanandmark

  1. S

    Which channels you like to see added on DirecTV one day?

    Universal Sports is number one on my wish list, though I would like to see AMC HD and Lifetime HD (for Project Runway, primarily) too. I'm a big fan of gymnastics and figure skating (and hockey, my husband likes skiing and cycling) ... All things Universal Sports offers a LOT of coverage of...
  2. S

    DIRECTV on Demand Bugs

    I noticed this weekend that On Demand wasn't working. You could download one thing, but if you added something to your queue, it looked like it worked but, in reality, it just vanished into the ether. (If you went to download queue, it said "0"). Is this the problem others are having? Do I have...
  3. S

    Unsub'ed Channels showing on Guide

    I do notice that some shows on non-adult channels (e.g. Cinemax) don't show up with "adult channels blocked" checked. For now, I'm hoping that's just the soft-core dribble I wouldn't want to watch anyway and not other programs that just happen to be labeled "MA" ... as many shows I DO want to...
  4. S

    Service Agreement Help

    How does my stating my opinions on an Internet message board make it "worst [sic] for everyone else?" (I won't even ask how you feel me disagreeing with DirecTV's policies makes me "unreasonable.") The front page of curently features annoying jingle bell ad for Pay-Per-View...
  5. S

    Service Agreement Help

    Each DirecTV DVR costs, WITHOUT any programming, a minimum of $319 ($199 initial fee, plus $5 per month). And, at the end, you own nothing. You'd have to rent a $25/month cable DVR (which is very high; here the first one is free for six months, than $11/month) for over a year to equal DirecTV's...
  6. S

    Service Agreement Help

    "Stonecold," you're welcome to any opinion of me you'd like (and, by the way, my real name is Susan), but I'm unclear about what "conspiracy theory" you claim I'm perpetuating. I'm simply saying that DirecTV's semi-public practices (declared only in fine print) are very consumer unfriendly. 1)...
  7. S

    Unsub'ed Channels showing on Guide

    Wow. I hadn't heard anything about this, but after seeing the post this morning went to one of my receivers and saw a new "block adult channels" option in the "parental controls" which, thankfully, takes them out of search too. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. S

    Unsub'ed Channels showing on Guide

    I recently went to record a kids' Christmas program that began the 12 Days of ... Look up 12 Days and the first two pages of titles I had to go through were porn. All with gross names I'd prefer not to have to read, or have my little one read through either. (He can't read yet, but I just can't...
  9. S

    Service Agreement Help

    Yes, that does sound like the DirecTV party line, complete with the profanity I redacted from your original post in my quote. DirecTV imposes high fees, unconscionable terms and lengthy, completely unnecessary contracts that are automatically renewed, usually without notice to the customer, at...
  10. S

    Service Agreement Help

    Perhaps not this one. (And, for their sake, I hope not.) But it's hardly unprecedented. (And, BTW, I don't think it's you--the DirecTV person posting here--personally doing anything to anybody.) It's not "what I want to believe" it is, in fact, what has happened to many longtime, loyal...
  11. S

    Service Agreement Help

    Very typical DirecTV behavior. There are several threads here about it. No notice. No explanation. No proof and they still say you're under contract and, if you let them (i.e. give them the info), they'll take the funds they CLAIM to be owed directly from account, without notice. See...
  12. S

    Bank account accessed without permission

    The "customer agreement" that is pages of 4-point legalese that, let's face it, no one ever reads and isn't actually expected to? In fact, they bank on it, since the policies are so harsh few, if any, would willingly agree to them. And for those who say, if you don't read it you can't complain...
  13. S

    Bank account accessed without permission

    Another SHOCKINGLY consumer unfriendly policy. I mean, can you imagine if Safeway, or any other merchant, could charge ANY CARD, or bank account, you've EVER used whenever they FELT you owed them money, with no proof or notice? Absolutely ridiculous and I just don't get why consumers put up with...
  14. S

    Bank account accessed without permission

    I have asked DirecTV, repeatedly, to show me where I was informed, via any method, that I have a contract and where they claim I signed something. And, even more importantly, where I actually did anything that, even under their Draconian terms, would have "renewed" said contract for another two...
  15. S

    Bank account accessed without permission

    While I don't think most receivers are recycled some, obviously, are, at great savings to DirecTV. (Look how much they're saving just by not paying for Versus the past few months.) That's all profit for DirecTV. Look, companies will do whatever we, as consumers, put up with to make more...