Recent content by Taank

  1. T

    Hopper Upgrades

    Please PM me about upgrading from a 722/622 to 1H/3J or 2H/2J. Thanks.
  2. T

    DPP44 power

    Ok. I will test the voltage. What do I need to pick up to do that, just a multimeter right? I just wanetd to make sure it was not out of the realm of possibility that this inserter is working even though the light is not coming on. Receiver on output 2 sees switch and functions...
  3. T

    DPP44 power

    obviously I just needed to disconnect the 722 as well as the power inserter and then see if the 622 was still receiving signals, which it was not. reconnect power inserter, but not 722 and 622 receives signals. obviously my power inserter is working even though no light is on.... in case anyone...
  4. T

    DPP44 power

    sorry. power inserter is on output one obviously. (i wrote input.)
  5. T

    DPP44 power

    I am trying to figure out if my DPP44 is being powered by the power inserter or not. I bought them from Ebay and initially had a little trouble setting them up. However I did get the DPP44 working now. However; the power inserter light is not coming on I have power inserter on input one...
  6. T

    Can't read Program Guide on Standard Def TV

    well if I get a new tv it would either be like a 30" flat tube widescren HD ready for like $800-$1000 OR a 37" plasma which I guess is EDTV since its 852x480.. for $1600 both these options are far from my goal of voom costing me $1 to get.
  7. T

    Can't read Program Guide on Standard Def TV

    If only I could browse through program at the text size that is displayed when you hit the info button. That would work just fine.
  8. T

    Can't read Program Guide on Standard Def TV

    switched tv's to my 2 year old 25" apex tv which has s-video. Text was improved slightly, but still not viewable from 10'. I have rearranged my bedroom to where I am now about 8' from the tv and I can read it if i try hard! Arg. Why in the world isnt there just an option to enlarge the...
  9. T

    Can't read Program Guide on Standard Def TV

    well, my bedroom tv is actually 27" not 32, I was wrong. I cycled through all the resoutions and the text looks like crap on them all. Didnt think I was going to have to buy a new TV for this, the goal was $1 out of pocket. But it looks like a TV is gonna be needed if I want to watch in...
  10. T

    Can't read Program Guide on Standard Def TV

    Voom is looking great on my bigscreen hdtv in my basement.... but all I have in my bedroom is an old 32" SD TV, and lying in my bed 10-13 ft away I cannot read the program guide. I can get closer to the tv and see what it says....but the text still looks very poor. The PQ seems pretty...
  11. T

    What about us who have pending installs....

    My install is on the 25th. I guess I'm just gonna let it go and see if someone shows up on tuesday morning. *shrug* I probably wont even get any OTA chanels with the antenna they bring, but I guess its worth a shot. I think I am about dead center between Baltimore and Philly.... maybe 45...
  12. T

    The End of VOOM?

    Umm, my install is scheduled for the 25th. What do you think I should do?
  13. T

    BREAKING VOOM DVR News from CES!!!

    I noticed that phrasing also..... grrrr. I don't think there are many ways to misinterpret that.
  14. T

    Looking to switch to Voom

    screw it, I ordered Voom and scheduled the install for next tuesday. I couldn't wait, i would be looking in these forums every day for the next 2 months waiting for this DVR to come out. I'll deal with no DVR for a while, and upgrade when necessary. Now as far as local channels go.... we...
  15. T

    Looking to switch to Voom

    exactly why I am trying to guess what will be cheaper, getting in on the deal now and upgraing to the new receiver. or if when the new receiver comes it it has some good deal also, in which case i will wish i had waited.... arg. i have had my HD ready tv for 4 years now without HD. I'm ready...