Recent content by The Old Wizard

  1. The Old Wizard

    Enterprise - New Season

    Enterprise is a must see at my house. I have a season Pass. Has anyone noticed the closing theme song? I believe it is new this year. It has the feel of older Star Trek theme songs. I have noticed that they seem to be showing more skin with T'Pol. Jolene Blalock is hot. :thumbsup:
  2. The Old Wizard

    Hey Scott!!!!

    It's good to be home. That was too long of a stay in the hospital & nursing home. All of the prayers everyone was saying for me helped to keep the magic going so that I could come back. I'm getting stronger every day.
  3. The Old Wizard

    Hey Scott!!!!

    :D Hey Scott, I have finally made it over here. Good to see that you now have your own board. BTW, I would like to use your banner to make a link from my board to this one. Is it ok with you? ;)