Recent content by toujoursdan

  1. T

    Can-am And Starchoice ????

    I am having a similar problem. I also subscribed though Canam in 2004 and Star Choice last charged my credit card on Sept 21st 2009. I got home tonight and service is gone. Is there a way to make these units valid? I understand that Canam is a goner and accept that there is some risk with a...
  2. T

    Star choice troubles in Dallas

    When I lived in Dallas my strength was closer to 63%. You might want to check your dish's alignment and see if maybe it was wandered a bit or there is some other kind of interference.
  3. T

    BEV In NYC

    I have a pied-à-terre in NYC and have Star Choice. Works like a charm so if BEV doesn't work out, SC is a good alternative.
  4. T

    Looking at getting Starchoice

    I lived in Dallas for a few years (2001-2006) and had Star Choice with the 75cm dish. My signal strength was in the mid 60s and only faded in heavy storms. I can't remember who installed it, but just went to the phone book and found an installer that wasn't affiliated with Dish or Direct, told...