Recent content by Tyralak

  1. Tyralak

    Any Way To Add External Storage to X1 ?

    But IIRC, the On Demand doesn't work or is limited with Tivo.
  2. Tyralak

    Any Way To Add External Storage to X1 ?

    The nice thing about that, is it also makes it where you can skip commercials in on demand programming.
  3. Tyralak

    NFL Network Dispute? -- Resolved

    Yep. They're wearing their San Francisco Sandals. (Or Englewood Sandals in this case)
  4. Tyralak

    DISH Network's Charlie Ergen May Be TV's Most Hated Man

    We were discussing which circle of hell Charlie runs.
  5. Tyralak

    DISH Network's Charlie Ergen May Be TV's Most Hated Man

    No. I don't have to respect him. I especially don't respect the abysmal way he treats his employees. Ergen can go suck a big fat one.
  6. Tyralak

    The End Of The 922

    Dump it and go with Comcast, or whatever cable provider is in your area. Even OTA is preferable.
  7. Tyralak

    Dish dispute with Cox Media Group

    Take your pick. The company is full of them.
  8. Tyralak

    DISH Comcast Dispute?

    Why don't you say that to my face in the ring!
  9. Tyralak

    DISH Comcast Dispute?

  10. Tyralak

    DISH Comcast Dispute?

    >Contract expiring >Comcast says channels will go off unless new contract is negotiated >Dish throws a tantrum, makes vague claims of "breach of contract" >Channels have to stay on until Dish's claim is investigated, regardless if baseless or not
  11. Tyralak

    DISH Comcast Dispute?

    Exactly what I was thinking.
  12. Tyralak

    DISH Comcast Dispute?

    Sleazy delay tactic on Dish's part. I hope they get what's coming to them. NBC/Universal needs to take them to the woodshed.
  13. Tyralak

    Goodbye Dish Network

    The apostrophe abuse in this thread is appalling.
  14. Tyralak

    Switching from Dish to Comcast. X1 Self Install Advice

    That's correct. Most of the work orders I get are failed SIK. House not wired right, had Uverse before, etc.