Recent content by vandalous

  1. vandalous

    Should I go through WB or Dish?

    Go with a local dealer if you can. :)
  2. vandalous

    Need help learning about Dish Network HD equipment for "new-existing" customers.

    You'll get a better response in the Dish Network HD forum: The experts hang out in there and would see your post there sooner than in here. I'm an ex-Disher and got lots of help from the people in that forum. Good luck!
  3. vandalous

    USC Cheerleader Fun If you scroll to the middle of the page, you'll see some really funny photochops of the USC Cheerleader who was caught celebrating at a very bad time. Check out the entire thread for some great comments and discussion...
  4. vandalous

    Suggestions for OTA HD Receiver?

    Thanks for the input, y'all. I ended up getting the Samsung and got it all plugged in and working. I'm about 58 miles from the towers (95681) and already had a CM4228 and JVI preamp installed for OTA when I was an E* customer. My Mits is only HD-ready so I had to get a STB. I've got all my...
  5. vandalous

    Suggestions for OTA HD Receiver?

    Hi gang - I recently canceled my E* account (can't justify the cost for the minimal amount of TV we all watch) so I'm looking to buy an OTA HD receiver for my 65" Mits RPTV. All Best Buy has is the Samsung SIR-T451. Circuit City also carries the Samsung model and carries the Pro Brand...
  6. vandalous

    Upgrading from 811 to 942

    I'm probably going to take advantage of the special deal on the 942 at That said, will I need to change any wiring or anything like that when I swap out my 811 for the new 942? I've never installed a satellite before so I want to make sure I'm clear on any switch or wiring...
  7. vandalous

    Fantasy Football

    Just like the stock market: buy low, sell high! I've got 4 teams this season and I'm 2-1 in two leagues and 1-2 in the others. Go fig. I bet you can get Jamal Lewis at a bargain basement price right now...
  8. vandalous

    How many SatelliteGuys live in a Rural setting?

    I'm on 20 acres in Sheridan, CA, between Wheatland and Lincoln. I'm about 55-60 miles from the Sacramento towers and can barely get OTA. The closest phone switch to me doesn't even have Fiber so I can't even get ISDN out here. I'm stuck with laggy DirecWay for broadband access, my cell phone...
  9. vandalous

    SatelliteGuys Newsletter

    LOL, I just noticed that I said "eh" in two straight posts. People probably think I'm a Canuck now. ;)
  10. vandalous

    SatelliteGuys Newsletter

    Oh I know that staff has access... I was mainly posting that for everyone since this is a public area & the pub isn't. Also, another plug couldn't help, eh? :D
  11. vandalous

    SatelliteGuys Newsletter

    If you didn't get the newsletter, it's very likely that a spam filter somewhere between Scott's server and your Inbox caught the email and "took care of it" for you. See the explanation below from jayn_j : I hadn't received the newsletter either, so I went through the spam filters. I found it...
  12. vandalous

    SatelliteGuys Newsletter

    Newsletter was great. FYI - if you want someone to copy edit the next issue for grammatical/spelling stuff, let me know. I'm pretty good at doing that (I do it for some corporate stuff here at work) and don't mind helping at all.
  13. vandalous

    Brief Outage Sunday Morning

    Cool - so 0500-0700 for us Left-Coasters.... Thanks, Scott!
  14. vandalous

    Brief Outage Sunday Morning

    Do you have a planned window for the outage?
  15. vandalous

    Great slate of college football today!

    Boy, there were some fabulous games today! ASU 31, LSU 35 : Amazing what can happen in a single quarter! Tex 25, OSU 22: Another last minute win. Iowa 3, ISU 23: Are you kidding me? Ouch! ND 17, Mich 10: The Charlie Weis machine continues to roll... Looking forward to some NFL...