Recent content by Zookster

  1. Zookster

    Name all your streaming devices...

    Not including mobile devices... Living room: Apple TV (just bought an hour ago) Roku Ultra 2020 4K FireTV Max Cromecast w Goggle TV PS3 PS4 LG Smart TV Bedroom: 4K FireTV Stick Roku Ultra 2016 Cromecast w Goggle TV 10yo Sony blu-ray player (not sure if apps still work)
  2. Zookster

    Quantum Leap Coming Back!

    For me the casting isn't the issue, it's the writing (i.e., what they've done with the cast). Everyone is rather bland, especially Addison and Ian. Yes, Ian, the quintessential tech-geek-with-a-quirk trope, but here relatively mild regardless of whatever eye-makeup or funky sports coat they put...
  3. Zookster

    Star Trek: Picard

    As a casual fan I would've literally never questioned Seven as a Starship captain if not for this thread. I think she's more than qualified. And she did work under a chain of command for some time with Janeway so it's not like she's unfamiliar with the protocols. Her experience counts probably...
  4. Zookster

    Last Movie Streamed

    ELVIS! Great movie! Probably my favorite of the recent musical bio pics (Respect, Rocket Man, Bohemian Rhapsody), and I say that as someone who doesn't consider himself a fan per se (50s oldies were never by thing).
  5. Zookster

    Peacock TV

    I have no regrets signing up for a year last month at $22. (avg. $1.83/mo.), mainly for EPL. The ads aren't too bad (three to four 30-60 ad breaks per hour show), and I like their Sky TV content (watching The Undeclared War right now) and the occasional Peacock original (Girls5eva, The Resort...
  6. Zookster

    Paramount +

    Free to Walmart Plus members now:
  7. Zookster

    HULU service

    I've always used prepaid phones and never cracked a screen in my life, including when I had a full-time job I had to leave my house for every day. I'm still using my phone throughout the day, browsing the web, social media, reading ebooks, etc. No pets or kids, so I'm sure that helps. I've...
  8. Zookster

    HULU service

    Same. Though I only get a new phone about every other year (I just get the one-year service card for $125 minus discount code). Also worth mentioning, the minutes/texts/data roll over, so I'm now up to 14K in all categories and ready to get my teenage girl on.
  9. Zookster

    The Old Man (FX)

    The production timeline was extended and interrupted multiple times due to the pandemic and Jeff Bridges battling cancer and covid. Some scenes cut from season 1 will serve to open season 2. [linked article contains s.1 spoilers]...
  10. Zookster

    What are you Watching?

    Just to highlight a few things that I'm enjoying that might not be on a lot of folks' radar: I just finished Paper Girls and started A League of Their Own on Prime. I liked Paper Girls, but two episodes into League, it's a bit soapier than I was expecting. I heard it gets better. Ten Percent...
  11. Zookster

    Peacock TV

    Yes, for the record, it was the Chargers. Since I hadn't realized Rams were originally from Cleveland, I consider them an organic LA team (i.e., not traitors). And Raiders haven't been associated with LA in nearly two decades. If anything, they would be the LV Traitors. At any rate, back on...
  12. Zookster

    Peacock TV

    Nope, but I understand the confusion.
  13. Zookster

    Peacock TV

    LA Traitors
  14. Zookster

    Peacock TV

    Streaming is becoming the new cable: lock up exclusive sports programing to compel subscriptions. Even services that didn't start out as something you'd ever think would offer live sports are getting into the act, such as Apple TV+. To watch all your MLB team's games, you now need a cable...
  15. Zookster

    HBO's Westworld

    It almost sounds like you never watched season 3. Yes, season 4 did drop the viewer into a slightly different world and advanced time line, but it's not a total jump from the Westworld theme park-focused seasons.