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  1. colofan

    Orlando Mpeg-4 Local HD's Are Live

    Well Denver affilate for NBC has had it for a while. They also were one of the first in having a HD helicopter for traffic and such.
  2. colofan

    No Signal When A/c Kicks On!! Help!!!

    Did he check the voltage drop on the circuit when it was under load?
  3. colofan

    future use of MPEG 4

    Small nitpik but everything is analog it is digitally encoded and decoded...think transponder per satellite.
  4. colofan

    My AT9 Installer

    Theft of signal is just that theft nothing more nothing less. Just because you"get away" with this does not mean that is right but that is between you and whomever to decide. If some is shoplifting food for and elderly person that can't afford food does that making taking the food right...
  5. colofan

    No Signal When A/c Kicks On!! Help!!!

    Too small of wire gauge so voltage is dropping too far for your unit. I would be concerned about it big time. Has the circuit breaker been changed by a previous owner? Get a volt meter insert into the socket that you have the unit plug into and then turn on the A/C good odds are you will see...
  6. colofan

    New Channels???

    Is there anywhere on the D* website to vote for channels both current and future?
  7. colofan

    Need some help fixing and installer mistake.

    Processing during surround sound have modes that can put center channel information into the front left and right speakers instead of the center. I double checked on the KEF website and they state 15-120 watt amplifier size and even though a larger amp is usually a good thing with a...
  8. colofan

    Need some help fixing and installer mistake.

    Also make sure you don't have phantom center channel on as well.
  9. colofan

    Daily loss of satellite...

    Well the multiswitch would be the first susupect since you get no signal from any of the 3 LNB's. Bypass the multiswitch when the failure mode is occuring to see if that is it. I had one that was tempature sensitive and when I replaced it everything has worked great since.
  10. colofan

    HD "movers" beware

    The only problem is they can't turn off the LA DNS feed unless they have a DVR replacement? Or are they going to get an exemption and shift all the DVR's to east coast feed. Makes no sense to me?
  11. colofan

    Here is what im seeing going on in yr 2009

    Well with DVR's becoming more and more available to people the whole local channel broadcast from a moeny standpoint might be moot anyway. Except for local sports and news I see the OTA market being marginalized much like radio is now.
  12. colofan

    Where the Heck Is HD Hockey?

    Does anyone know if tonight's game is in HD. Yes it is pretty sad that we can have a baby channel but not even have the NHL playoffs in HD....bandwidth ha ha
  13. colofan

    So, Is the HMC Vaporware?

    If they had subcontracted it to a computer company (HP,Dell,IBM...) all this could have been done very quickly and with support for updates as well. After all the only real issue is bringing in the satellite feed everything else is nothing more than standard server stuff.
  14. colofan

    East/West coast feeds in HD?

    Well I am a couple miles out of center of town but as you have posted notice it claims that I can get a grade A from ABC and NBC...... Myabe if they were on lookout mountain and broadcasting at full power. But and that is a big but they aren't there. Being on the republic building and...
  15. colofan

    HD Package Charge

    Well maybe a la carte is more expensive but some channels would fall off for lack of viewing money coming from D*. See my goal is to point out that quality is more important than quanitity which the D* ,E* and cable poeple just don't understand. Oh and yes even OTA could be affected directly if...
  16. colofan

    HD Package Charge

    Give me al a carte across the board then I will pay for the channels I actually use...That would be the day.
  17. colofan

    Belo completes carriage deal with D*

    My only comment was that the 1080i horizontal resolution is higher but at half the frame rate so when something is happening fast on the screen then yes lower horizontal resolution but higher vertical resolution can make some programing look better. If film is the source at 24 fps then yes...
  18. colofan

    East/West coast feeds in HD?

    Yes but those models are based on full power which a lot of locations not just Denver are not doing. This is very fustrating since it seems that the FCC seems more interested in the stations and not the viewership. Makes me want to write in and have the license pulled for non-complying stations...
  19. colofan

    hsp employee getting ripped off

    As a long time customer before installs were offered I have done my own and a few other friends looks like my weekends will be full with the lunacy described above. Kind of like the geek squad at BB clueless.
  20. colofan

    Needing a new dvr

    Though as of April 30th you can request a digital signal test. That is how I got one station to grant a waiver. If they fail the test then the station pays the test bill.
  21. colofan

    East/West coast feeds in HD?

    I went and checked at Well that is a hoot since CBS,NBC and ABC all have low power transmitter in downtown Denver (about 10 Kwatt) and I am 45 miles away. Grade A signal my butt.
  22. colofan

    Belo completes carriage deal with D*

    Well the frame rate is half when you go to 1080i versus 720p when watching hockey yes the frame rate does make a difference.
  23. colofan

    Time to apply for HD waiver

    Well I got the waiver from abc station they are starting to know about the digital test. :)
  24. colofan

    Time to apply for HD waiver

    ...waiver. The ironic part of that is they were denied because they were to late in applying for it. Still really gets my goat that as a consumer who cares if I get a signal or not seems to be the attitude of the FCC. Where was the public comment section besides E* that counteracts the stations.
  25. colofan

    Time to apply for HD waiver

    Well I started this mess and I still don't understand how a station can get a waiver to not allow waiver tests since clearly they don't have an DTV signal beyond downtown denver.....oh well.....