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    Who will win? HD DVD or Blu-ray?

    DVD players were the fastest selling electronic products. I feel HDTV sales will continue to grow in time. But people will still buy cheaper SDTV's. I know a person at work that just spent $150.00 dollers for SD digital TV because there verry cheap. I think your right ED plasmas are selling...
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    Carlosg it should work just fine. The only difference with DVI and HDMI is DVI is only for video were HDMI can play audio and video.
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    Who will win? HD DVD or Blu-ray?

    Nickyct your right most people will buy the HDTV first. Then maybe they will buy a HD-DVD player or Blu-Ray player. I too don't think this new format will take off as fast as people might think.
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    Who will win? HD DVD or Blu-ray?

    Vurbano i think your right most people don't have HDTV's It's going to take years be for we have a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray winner. I talk to people about HDTV's and HD-DVD's every day and they could care less about them. Some of them say the only way they are going to buy a HDTV is if the price comes...
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    Who will win? HD DVD or Blu-ray?

    I also think it will come down to how much each player cost. If the Blu-Ray DVD players are going to sell for $1,000.00 dollars they better have a better pitcher then HD-DVD players. Because most people are going to buy the less expensive DVD player.
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    HDMI/DVI Copy Protection. I am not sure about this but the studios are making all of the software dvd movies. So i would have to say yes your right.
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    I for one don't think DVD Audio or Super Audio CD are going bye bye anytime soon. I also think that you could have them (SACD/DVD Audio) players installed in your car right now. I have seen them installed on a TV show called Rides. Like you have said these formats have better sound and people...
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    When it comes down to it most people don't know about DVD Audio or Super Audio CD. If they did surround sound music acceptance would be more then the 5% your talking about. I too don't understand why the new HD-DVD and Blu-Ray players can't output 1080i through there component video outputs? I...
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    Combo Players. I am not shure if you are saying that Combo DVD players are being ignored? Or if you are saying DVD Audio and Super Audio CD are being completely ignored? Well i for one would like to see a Combo HD-DVD/Blu-Ray player.
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    Who will win? HD DVD or Blu-ray?

    My prediction is they will co exist with out a clear winner for a long time. To me it's something like Super Audio CD and DVD Audio there isn't a clear winner for that format war.
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    Switched sound

    Hdmi/dvi You can also receive sound through your TV by running your RCA cables from your Voom receiver to your TV. Find the outputs white and red on the back of you Voom box and then run them through your sound inputs on the back of your TV.
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    We Really Had It Great With Voom!!

    Vooms programming was the best. OHMS i have to say your right about Voom's programming it was breathtaking. As for the equipment my 18" Voom Dish didn't work well when it was raining. Rain fade was a big problem for me any time it would rain. I did get upgraded to a 24" dish and my rain fade...
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    Pioneer has a Blu-ray DVD Player comming out in june of 2006. This player's suggested price is $1800 bucks. It has backward compatibility with standard DVD's and can output 1920x1080p throught it's HDMI cable. The new Elite BDP-HD1 Blu-ray player doesn't support DVD-Audio or SACD. How many...
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    stuck on installation menu

    I am glad your new receiver is working OSUsausageman. Now you can watch 24 in HD Sunday night.
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    SACD-Hybrid will work in your car or on your computer. BobMurdoch i was reading your post about not buying a DVD-Audio Player or Super-Audio Player because you can't play them in your car. Well your right about one of them the DVD-Audio CD will not play on a regular CD player. SACD-Hybrid CD's...
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    Ilya your right it's the other way around. With this HD DVD Player you will not be able to view true HD throught it's component outputs. Also this DVD player isn't upconverting a 480p signal to so called 720p or 1080i like regular DVD players are doing.
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    We Really Had It Great With Voom!!

    ...i think Voom could have been very successful if they had a larger customer base. I know local channels were a problem for some people who couldn't receive them over the air for what ever reasons. As for higher rates they could have been the same as D* or E* but i would still like to have Voom...
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    Your HD DVD/Blu-ray purchase plans?

    For the time being i'll be playing my Denon 2900s DVD player with DVD Audio and Super Audio CD. I don't think Blu-Ray or HD-DVD will offer D-Audio or S-Audio DVD player anytime soon. As for who will win the HD war my money is on Blu-Ray.
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    We Really Had It Great With Voom!!

    Bookwalk i don't have the DishNetwork but i hear what your saying. No one even comes close to the HD programming that Voom offered us. Your right we have lost a lot more then just Voom.
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    stuck on installation menu

    OSUsausageman if it worked for him then it should work for you too. The key is it had to be activated be for Voom shut down. You'll love 24 in HD it's a great show i like it too. Good luck with your over the air receiver.
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    stuck on installation menu

    OSUsausageman make sure that your new Voom receiver is activated be for you buy it. If it isn't you'll be right back to were you started.
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    We Really Had It Great With Voom!!

    Happy Holidays from me to all of you x Voomers. If Voom could have signed 100,000 scribers the first year it would still be going strong. They only had 40,000 scribers in 1.5 years.
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    We Really Had It Great With Voom!!

    I remember all the complaining and bitching about Voom too. Some of it was fair and some of it wasn't. Does anyone know what the Dish Network is doing with the old Voom Satellite? I haven't heard anything about Rainbow One in months.
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    Starship Troopers!!

    The SuperBit DVD does look awesome DarrellP i have it and 10 other movies in SuperBit.
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    Voom Program Uninstall (Windows XP with SP2)

    I have received the same Voom Uninstall program on my computer. I have Windows XP with SP2 also. You can download the program or just run the program and uninstall it as i did.