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  1. E

    Styx on HDNet

    We're watching it right now off the DVR. Did you get static from the left rear channel during some of the performances? The first song was fine, but the 2nd and part of the 3rd had static in the left rear. Then it was fine again until they played their 2nd new song and it returned...
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    Blade Runner on HDMovies?

    After seeing the phenomenal transfer of 2001(watching it right now) I would like to suggest they try to do Blade Runner. Its a great movie but sadly the absolute poorest DVD transfer in the world. There is not a good copy from the master anywhere and if they can do this kind of quality work...
  3. E

    HDNet to Provide Live Exclusive High-Definition Coverage of Launch of Shuttle Discove

    Great shots by HDNet. Only wish for next time is I heard the camera can see 'clearly' 33 miles into the air, since after that its mostly just a bright light it would be nice to see a PIP of the shuttle and following the solid rockets back down a bit. Thanks, it was well worth watching.
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    Fox-HD: NFL Football Game at 4pm EST

    The Lions won, it could have been hand drawn with crayons and shown via flip book and I would not complain today :D ESPN HD's Chiefs game looks worse than Fox did today. The grass looks terrible. I still vote last years Sugar Bowl as the absolute best Football game I've ever seen on HD.
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    Fox-HD: NFL Football Game at 4pm EST

    I still can't tell if its HD or not... . at times it looks soft, and there is no macroblockig with high speed action, but there is more softness during high speed action, so that to me says 480p. Then again, some other shots look damned good. The biggest "soft" part is the graphics and...
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    Fox-HD: NFL Football Game at 4pm EST

    Lion's might to be in 480p, but maybe even HD but the guide says its not HD but it looks pretty decent. Its tough to tell, sometimes it looks like Fox's enhanced 480p, othertime it looks true HD. Good enough for me.
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    No NFL in HD this Sunday?????!!!! (CBS & Fox)

    Holy crap, the Lions will be in HD! I'll be besides myself :P
  8. E

    PG Problems...where was Ran?

    Last night on World Cinema, sat down all ready to watch Ran...instead some other Asian film was on, and believe me, it wasn't Ran... Then the box locked on my locals and we called it a night. Still like to see Ran in HD, any idea when they may really play it?
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    Hawaii show on NBC HD

    Since its OTA then it was probably a problem only in your area, it was fine here.
  10. E

    Out of this world? (Sci-fi coming to VOOM on Saturday 9/4/04!?)

    The Sci Fi channel itself isn't all that great. Stargate, Atlantis, the new Farscape Mini, return of Battlestar Galactica, those are the reasons we wanted it and all we will watch. Just like we only get HBO for The Soprano's, and Showtime for The L Word. I hope it just shows up early...
  11. E

    Formula One on Voom?

    If you think NHL is second tier then obviously you've never visited the NorthEast, we'll take Hockey over football and baseball anyday of the week. The Long Beach Grand Prix is not Formula One, its CART I believe, and there is a world of difference, its not even close to be the same sport...
  12. E

    NBC - SCIFI - BravoHD rumours?

    The new season of Stargate started almost 1.5 months ago. It does go into reruns however starting the 27th of August and thats when we plan on picking up D* so we can get Sci Fi.
  13. E

    Variety and quality of HD Camera's in the NFL

    ...anything think that there is a variety of HD camera's being used in the NFL games? This is not a Voom thing, I noticed it OTA with my Toshiba D* Box, Samsung OTA Box and D* HD Sat feed. Watching the Packers game on ESPN HD made me remember this...some shots look fantastic, others look...
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    Sci Fi - I have a theory

    ok...I have a theory... Sci Fi was not added, USA was...both owned by the same company and there is a great mystery as to why it was not added. NFL HD was not added.... HGTV was not added.... BUT NBC is broadcasting the Olympics on 3 channels, all HD. Anyone think they decided to...
  15. E

    New HD or SD channels?(Possible New SD Channels: USA, FoxSports East, Ohio & Bay Area

    I have my own complaints about Voom, see my other thread about dropping them. However, I will say this again, if you have a problem with Vooms HD quality then something must be wrong with your equipment. I've had OTA from 3 different STB's, DTV HD, seen Comcast and Dish HD on an identical...
  16. E

    New channels rumors...

    Got to watch SG1... And also all the previews for the new shows coming on Sci Fi, including the Farscape Mini Series, the new Battlestar a bunch of others. HGTV just gives her more idea's, don't need that. :)
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    New channels rumors...

    Came up with a cheaper option. My neighbor has D* and a few boxes and I still have my D* hardware on the roof, just borrowed their box for tonight.
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    New channels rumors...

    I have someone at working DVD'ing it for me. No 30" dish, it was a huge fiasco, waiting for Wilt to get back to me on it. Even my cable company doesn't carry Sci Fi, so I can't even get that.... We want to watch it as it airs.
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    New channels rumors...

    Today is the day...Stargate SG1 starts and no Sci Fi... Ah well, it'd probably rain if we did have it and I still couldn't watch it.
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    Anything better than Tears of the Sun on StarzHD?

    I'm watching Tears of the Sun and am always amazed by the transfer. is there anything else that looks this good on Voom?
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    New channels rumors...

    July 4th....any news?
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    New channels rumors...

    Sean, I asked specifically about Sci Fi and gave them a time frame when I would like to see it, which was before July 16th.
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    New channels rumors...

    I recieved a reply from Voom, it was the "its coming but we can't tell you its coming" email. Kind of the same story around the ESPN timeframe, so hopefully it'll show up soon.
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    Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

    No one mentioned Solaris? Give the viewer 5 stars for being able to sit through the entire thing. It was cool though, watched the original, then the new one on Showtime HD an hour later.
  25. E

    New channels rumors...

    Channel 20? Oh yeah, forgot all about that :P I thought WB doesn't come in because its SD only? If the rumors are true then I'll be happy with Sci Fi alone sometime in July, I can bug my neighbors on Friday nights for a week or two.