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  1. W


    hi all dose anyone have or know of a scedule that follows PBS HD east/west on AMC 21 tp 12140 thanks
  2. W

    looking for some help please.

    Hello everyone For a few weeks know I have been trying to give a guy a hand setting up his dish. He is trying to get G17 to see some baseball for the up coming season. He bought a new dish and L N B F not sure if the receiver is new. He also decided to get a motor when he ordered the new...
  3. W

    getting 97w 101w

    Hi everyone A few months ago I asked about adding a another L N B to get 125w and 129 w off of my 38’’ dish and was told it could be done and that because I live in the pacific north west that when looking at my dish from the front I would amen for 125 first then 129 would go on the right side...
  4. W

    viewsat max HD

    Hi everyone Could some one tell me if a viewsat max HD receiver can do dvb-s2? There specifications say that it will but I read on the net that it won’t. Is anyone using this receiver or now if it will or won’t? Thanks
  5. W

    more than on lnbf on one 38'' dish

    Hi everyone I have a 38’’ dish pointed at 129 for with springs TV. can I add an lnbf and get 125 for AMC21 p.b.s. Channels? Or could I point the dish at 125 and add two more lnbf’s and get 123 on one side and 127 on the other side. Is there a some were on this site to get this info? Did...
  6. W


    Hi everyone A am having trouble with some switches. I have an ecoda 22khz switch then I have two Ecoda diseqc switches off of that.. I added a new dish and moved some around on the disqc switches. Now the problem is the switches will not stay set were I want them to. But if I return them...
  7. W


    Hi everyone Love your site. I have been in to FTA for about one year now and have a few questions. I have found most answers on this site but need some help please. I can’t fined the answers but I am sure there here some ware. Sorry if you have all ready answered this before but I don’t see...