Search results for query: *

  1. G

    High Definition Tractor-Pull TV Network Planned?

    High Definition Tractor-Pull Network Planned? Some fella at the barbershop said that they was planning on starting a 24-hour high definition tractor-pull network. He said that they was gonna have monster-trucks too, all in high-definition TV. Has anyone else heard about this? I wished they'd...
  2. G

    That "Mosquito Noise" Sure Can Cause Problems

    Me and Golmer was watching the NFL professional football game last night on my new high definition television set when we thought we saw some of that mosquito noise that I heard about in this forum. Well, we called the station up at Mount Pilot and they said to try spraying some "Off" in our...
  3. G

    Olympics Are On Bravo Channel 502 (Not 501)

    I just discovered late last night that Bravo's Olympic coverage is on channel 502. All this time I've been wondering why Bravo was showing Circus de Soleil and their normal Arts and Croisaints content when the Olymics are going on. Thanks VOOM and NBC. Shazamm!
  4. G

    Do Those Fashion Models on ULTRA (Ch 126) Get Paid Extra To Walk That Way?

    I tried walking like those fashion models do, and it's not as easy as it looks. But it's fun to watch. Shazamm! Seriously, I love watching this channel...Those gals sure are cute.
  5. G

    Mystery Science Theater???

    Dear VOOM, Me and Miss Krump would sure like to see "Mystery Science Theater" on your MonstersHD channel. Thanks, Goob P.S. Golmer says he'd like that too.
  6. G

    VOOM Rules!!!

    In spite of the Olympics fiasco (which admittedly is not VOOM's fault) VOOM is without a doubt the premiere source for HD content, PERIOD. Most all of VOOM's original content is AWESOME, particularly the Auction Channel, Equator, Ultra, Rave, Rush (okay, I'm not crazy about all the soccer on...
  7. G

    Which NBC Department/Phone Number do I Contact??

    Since the closest NBC affiliate is 60 miles from my house, I am unable to receive any NBC HD signal. Since the local affiliate has given me a waiver, I want to try one final time to resolve this issue by contacting NBC. Anybody know the appropriate deppartment (or, better yet, phone number)to...
  8. G

    I got a local NBC waiver, now VOOM says I need permission from NBC too

    After making a bunch of phone calls, I was able to get a waiver from my local NBC affiliate who is 60 miles away. I called VOOM to have them flip the switch, and after being put on hold several times so they could confer with VOOM management, I was told that now I needed to get approval from NBC...
  9. G

    Even With Local NBC Station Waiver, NBCHD Cannot Be Transmitted to Lafayette, LA

    Since the closest NBC affiliate is 60 miles away, I am trying to get a waiver from them in order to receive NBCHD. I related this to VOOM to see exactly what paperwork, etc. would be needed by them. After about a 30 minute wait, The VOOM representative said that they tried but could not get a...
  10. G

    Bandwidth Waste?

    I'm probably one of VOOM's biggest fans, but I really think it's a waste of bandwidth to put black and white content (except, of course, Andy Griffith reruns or really bad Japanese Science Fiction movies) in HD. Why not put NBCHD on satellite so everyone on your system can see the Olympics? Are...