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  1. SpiffWilkie

    DBV-S2 tuner for media server?

    Do you ever look at Not sure if this is what you dabble in, but if you search for "Software Defined Radio" there are some good articles.
  2. SpiffWilkie

    DBV-S2 tuner for media server?

    I'll take a look at the Silicon Dust Home Run HD. I have an internal tuner that was given to me (in fact, the whole PC was a gift because it was broken. Two PS capacitors later, it's running fine!). Unfortunately, the tuner I have doesn't seem to play well with linux. I'll probably give up...
  3. SpiffWilkie

    DBV-S2 tuner for media server?

    Thanks for the info. The price is pretty good, too. Although, I would prefer a PCI/PCI-E solution just to keep things clean. Do you have experience/knowledge of the 7301? It looks to be running the same chipsets that you mentioned. Also, I'm not terribly in love with MythTV. Are there...
  4. SpiffWilkie

    DBV-S2 tuner for media server?

    I'm putting together a linux media server, and am considering adding a satellite tuner to the mix. I'm new to satellite tuners for the PC and am a little overwhelmed trying to find a card that I can use with Ubuntu Server/MythTV and that can get DVB-S2 signals (PBS on AMC 21!!). Anyone around...
  5. SpiffWilkie

    BYUTV on 89W KU went to DVB-S2

    Thanks. Still having issues with that one, though. I hate my receiver :)
  6. SpiffWilkie

    BYUTV on 89W KU went to DVB-S2

    Is this still at the above coordinates, SR, etc? I always have trouble getting S2 signals on my Diamond 9000HD, if anyone could give me the details of exactly what they have in their receiver to pick this up, I would be very appreciative! Thanks!
  7. SpiffWilkie

    PBS mux on 125W moving around...preparing for changes

    Bah! Can anyone with a Diamond 9000HD confirm whether or not they get 12180? This thing is driving me nuts...
  8. SpiffWilkie

    NDF File for KU sats, transponders?

    Just getting back to this. The file loads fine to the box, but most TPs are not visible, and if I try and add a new TP the box resets. Thanks for the effort, though. I appreciate it.
  9. SpiffWilkie

    NDF File for KU sats, transponders?

    Thanks, I appreciate it.
  10. SpiffWilkie

    NDF File for KU sats, transponders?

    I have a diamond 9000hd, but I would assume that if I can load it in NDFeditor, it would load to the receiver.
  11. SpiffWilkie

    NDF File for KU sats, transponders?

    Does anyone have an updated list of ku sats and tps in NDFedit compatible form? My receiver took a dump this morning, and unfortunately, I don't have a backup tp list that's up to date. Thanks!
  12. SpiffWilkie

    BYUTV on 89W KU went to DVB-S2

    So, is this DVB-S2 right now? Wondered why I couldn't pick it up.
  13. SpiffWilkie

    BYU TV Scrambled on 89W.

    Thanks. Had to delete my previous channel and rescan.
  14. SpiffWilkie

    BYU TV Scrambled on 89W.

    Everyone else still getting the black screen? Edit: Has anyone been able to watch it at all since this thread trailed off in February?
  15. SpiffWilkie

    History-live on Al Jazeera 97W

    Any other good channels to get different views of what's going on in Libya? I spent last evening watching Al Jazeera. It's interesting to see non-us media coverage. Did anyone happen to watch RT during the Russia/Georgia conflict? It's amazing to see the different slants on the same story...
  16. SpiffWilkie

    Whats your favorite FTA station?

    Pretty much anything on 125w and assorted sports feeds.
  17. SpiffWilkie

    Diamond 9000HD locking up on 8PSK TPs

    I'll have to check the voltage to the motor. This is a fairly new occurrence to me, since I've installed the dish after my move. Mine does have the 1.31p *grumble* but I generally have very good luck with the receiver. I did recently pull the channel data off and reinstall it after adding...
  18. SpiffWilkie

    Diamond 9000HD locking up on 8PSK TPs

    Has anyone else had this issue? Previously I had used the Diamond on several 8PSK (and I'm pretty sure QPSK) signals, most notably on 103w. I had the box in storage for several months during a move and now, more often than not, the box completely locks up or resets when I try to view...
  19. SpiffWilkie

    What do you use with your tv?

    I have a small HTPC hooked up via HDMI that I use Boxee with for internet streaming as well as playing my DVD collection off of a media server. Coupled with FTA and OTA, I do pretty well.
  20. SpiffWilkie

    Letting go of cable

    That's very intriguing. Seems like they're trying the "it's better to ask forgiveness than permission" approach.
  21. SpiffWilkie

    I'm not an HD vs SD snob, but 16x9 vs 4x3...

    I don't mind watching regular shows in 4x3, but I was watching a football game in 4x3 this weekend and it was like watching with blinders on. I didn't realize how much more view of the action we get with a 16x9 broadcast. I'm glad that more and more broadcasters are switching formats this...
  22. SpiffWilkie

    Movies on Cuban TV @ Hispasat 30w

    O.k. thanks! I got confused on that. It was that the dish doesn't appear to be at the elevation of the sat. O.k. I'll have to check on this tonight. :up
  23. SpiffWilkie

    Movies on Cuban TV @ Hispasat 30w

    O.k. You guys have me intrigued with this sat. I have a spare 39" that I would love to fix on 30w. I've got a pretty clear view that direction, I just need to verify the elevation needed. My dish needs to be at 15.9° but if I recall correctly the signal comes in from more of an angle than...
  24. SpiffWilkie

    Grrrr...trying to install a dish and there's a house in the way

    Absolutely! The install was a piece of cake since the dish was already mounted on the motor (from my last house). After I got the pole up, I put it on the pole. Swung it around for 30 seconds and had an awesome lock on 89w. Easiest install ever.