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  1. T

    how to fit a seavey feed,on a 3 meter channel master antenna?

    Hello! i have bought a used channel master 3 meter antenna,and a sevey feed from usa,now here in europe ,all channel master parts are sold out everywhere,and i have the problem,to fix the seavey feeds,on the 3 iron roods! the problem is,that the lnb holder iron streps are to thick,to fix it on...
  2. T

    cannot select motor menu after upgrading latest sofware on pansat 3500 SD Receiver?

    Hello! i have one special technical question,maybe some one can help me,i bought on ebay usa a pansat 3500 SD,because my old one was gone,and here in europe,all stbs,with build in motor connection m1 m2,connectors on the backside are out of production! now i have a strange problem,i cannot...