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  1. tommytanker

    Software upgrade

    Thank You, he has long ago passed over to the Rainbow Bridge
  2. tommytanker

    Software upgrade

    Alright, that's kinda what I thought was happening but it's cool to be able to check it out. Thanks much.
  3. tommytanker

    Software upgrade

    Ok understand caliber of man you are dealing with here, not brightest bulb in box, what is the national release. I'm gonna assume it's just a standard upgrade correct. Thank you for your quick reply.
  4. tommytanker

    Software upgrade

    This morning, our HDDVR 24started downloading software at 5:15 in morning (first time ever at that time) Numbers on top of screen were 1/1/0/20 and 7D/001B/05C8/06/0105. then below it said New Software found (05CB) I’m assuming those are the version numbers (05CB) It took 15 minutes. Anybody...
  5. tommytanker

    Protection Plan

    Does that mean my 5.99 protection plan monthly charge will stop.
  6. tommytanker

    Protection Plan

    Well as stated the original contract from DirecTV is a "as is" contract unless I'm reading it wrong. Need an attorney to do a dumbed down explanation of contract for me. I know buying or selling a used car or anything used for that matter I am familiar with the term "As Is" I always took that to...
  7. tommytanker

    Protection Plan

    Below is warranty and in bold is the confusing issue. You are responsible for the loss of, damage to or the entire cost of any necessary service or repair of the leased DIRECTV equipment. You have no right to sell, give away, transfer, pledge, mortgage, alter or tamper with the equipment...
  8. tommytanker

    Protection Plan

    Well that's exactly what I asked about before I took the protection plan and whoever it was I talked to gave me the info that they did not cover leased units and that you had to purchase a new unit. I will give a call to DirecTV to investigate. What about the service call or when unit is shipped...
  9. tommytanker

    Protection Plan

    Well the support guy got out here and did the remove/replace the 24 unit yesterday, He also checked the dish line up and all appears proper. I guess the reason I took the Pro-plan was because a new unit warranty etc is only a limited 90 day program. Am I correct? Even though I took advantage...
  10. tommytanker

    Protection Plan

    Well as I said this is 1st Protection Plan I've ever tried, and I will get back to discuss outcome.
  11. tommytanker

    Protection Plan

    Never have purchased any extra warranty for anything but for whatever reason I decided to jump in. Well last Thursday (3/10/11) HD-DVR24 started freezing picture and after couple minutes do a reset and come back on. It might work for 3 hrs and repeat and as quickly as 8 minutes and repeat...
  12. tommytanker

    Snow On Dish

    Well we got through our blizzard 24 hrs of snow and winds etc and did not have any problems at all. I decided to take installers advice and leave it alone, all was good. Thank all for replies.
  13. tommytanker

    Snow On Dish

    Well I gave my installer a call, he says he would not because of the dust and dirt build up come warmer weather he said weapon of choice would be rainX.
  14. tommytanker

    Snow On Dish

    Blizzard conditions expected and heard something about spraying Pam on dish but all say do it beginning of winter, just curious does anybody know if this works as it would cause less trips to roof for 74 yr old.:(
  15. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    I think it's what Server called a radio antenna. I will give a call and see if I can narrow that down a bit. I will find out what's on tower but at least as I stated there is a huge improvement in consistency. No 15 to 20 disconnects a day I would like more speed but maybe not. If I ever got...
  16. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Jim Thank you, Service has improved 1000% since 10/15, we have had 1 morning that had a 20 minutes signal loss. This was on their end and all has been good since. All the disconnects anywhere from 10 to 20 a day have stopped completely. I installed a UPS quite a while back due to instructions...
  17. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Last update and I'm gone from this thread. Yesterday I had a perfect day no problems at all. This was the 5th day with reworked tower and during that time I had 5 disconnects but when hitting retry button on Firefox they immediately fired back up. Previously when hitting retry buttons I normally...
  18. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    An update, the tower is now at 71 ft, finished 10/15 at noon. We have not had one WiFi disconnect since and I have spent going from web page to web page etc etc etc. I have probably bounced around more in the last 2 days than the last 2 weeks just waiting to see how many problems there would...
  19. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Well when I started this the speed wasn't a big deal as when WiFi is working speed is adequate for my needs. It was the disconnects/signal loss that I was trying to work on. Greg, it's a good thing you added the train/car explanation because when I got to the hypotenuse part of your reply I...
  20. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Well after the firmware update we are doing better, I have decided to go with the extend tower another 10 feet. If possible I would prefer to stay a way from a 2 yr contract and the option is still open in the future if needed. I will be calling server sooner as to keep track of future firmware...
  21. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    No the rotor right now just moves our HD antenna the WiFi Radio is mounted and does not move. Since I really would like to stay WiFi I may add another 10 ft section to go to 67 ft. My tower/antenna guy says he can get a section for 40.00 and between 75.00 to 125.00 labor to do the work. He says...
  22. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Please understand caliber of man you are dealing with, I don't have a clue as to what your talking about as I just learned how to program my VHS last week. (well not quite that dim) I did send this info to my server though as if this can be tweaked with a better antenna how great would that...
  23. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Sorry you've got me confused now because a Yagi is TV antenna, They have something called a radio mounted on tower, or I may be confused about what they call it but it does not look like an antenna. I did get in touch with server and they did a firmware update so I will sit for a while and see...
  24. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Alright, I think before I jump into anything I will try the WiFi server and see what happens. Maybe I have a faulty piece of equipment in my setup. One last thing, should have put this in yesterday we are 7 miles from server tower. On one PC there is Linksys BEFSR41 router on main PC there is...
  25. tommytanker

    Help WiFi or Satellite

    Live in rural area had a 57 ft tower installed for OTA-HDTV and WiFi and because of dialup speed downloads of 2 to 5 kbs, yes 5 kbs tops. Now the WiFi gets me anywhere from 15 to 45 kbs and were it to stay there on consistent basis it would work. WiFi is very inconsistent, works good early...