Search results for query: *

  1. E

    Scott's View and YOURS on the MLB Deal

    Sports bars pay D* a heck of a lot more than $160 for the MLB package . . . don't forget to take that into account.
  2. E

    DirecTV Defends Its Play for Extra Innings

    You are only looking at RESIDENTIAL customers. Consider the much higher rate paid by the COMMERCIAL customers, sports bars and such. They already have a large number of such customers who pay a much higher rate for the NFL package, now they can also offer them baseball as an exclusive, at a...
  3. E

    Is this a joke??

    One of my wife's coworkers is named Candy Barr. Nice parents, I bet.
  4. E

    Bamboozled By Dish

    The original poster stated that he specifically asked, and the CSR specifically answered "YES". Shame that a business has to be so dishonest that you can't rely on a single thing they say, eh?
  5. E

    Question about the legality/morality/ethics of "moving"

    Yes, it is lying and unethical. Just subscribe to SkyAngel and repent at Church on Sunday and the Lord will never notice. :cool:
  6. E

    More Bad News HBO sues echostar

    FYI, Dish ALREADY lost the lawsuit by Tivo, now they're appealing the loss. :rolleyes: Keep trying with those pom poms, though. They look good on you.:up
  7. E

    Petition to get our channels back

    If you are going to take the time to set up such a thing, at least understand what you are typing. This is an idiot list. There is no such thing as a "local distant channel". Think, people. Think.
  8. E

    How many lawyers does it take?

    Yup. You nailed that one. FYI, Charlie Ergen is a lawyer's wet dream - he likes to use litigation as a standard tool of everyday business instead of an infrequent, last-ditch means to settle critical disputes. I've been fortunate to have a few business clients like that to keep me busy on a...
  9. E

    Distant Network Broadcasts - free over the air idea

    They can't do this because of a little thing called COPYRIGHT LAW, you know, the people who own the programming. Without their permission, its still a violation - charging money for it or not makes no difference. Its clear that you don't even have the tiniest bit of understanding what the...
  10. E

    How many lawyers does it take?

    Actually, that is a common misperception. The context of that quote from Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2 was that IF YOU WANT TO OVERTHROW ORDERLY SOCIETY - first kill all the lawyers. The anarchists did not want any learned and informed opposition to the rebellion they had planned againstthe...
  11. E

    Distant Networks vs. EchoStar Update

    No, its actually going DOWN the judicial chain, not up it. Magistrates handle more of the "relatively" minor, administrative tasks assigned to them by the judge. The magistrate cannot enter an order by themselves, they submit findings and conclusions to the judge, and the judge 99.9 percent...
  12. E

    Deal with NPS to "save" distants on DISH!

    Missing a point here: there is NO NEED to expand the previous injunction to include NPS, the court can prohibit E* from having its transponders used to carry any DNS signal, including that leased tranponder that E* owns but is now trying to lease to NPS. NPS isn't precluded from offering DNS...
  13. E

    Deal with NPS to "save" distants on DISH!

    No, the letter between the parties specifically says that the purpose of the lease of the transponder is for the provision of DNS. The intention and purpose of its use is clear. Now you're just making things up. Don't throw out a hopeful assumption as fact.
  14. E

    Deal with NPS to "save" distants on DISH!

    Eh, what do I know about legal standards, I'm only a lawyer in real life. Let NPS put any other programming on E*'s transponders and they'll be fine. DNS by and through an E* asset, and its toast. Your bias won't make it otherwise.
  15. E

    Deal with NPS to "save" distants on DISH!

    Wrong, E* is in fact getting paid for the lease of its transponders for purposes of broadcast of DNS. That is what violates the court's Order. If NPS wants to lease transponder space and put up HBO, for example, it can do so. But it cannot broadcast DNS over an E* asset while E* is getting...
  16. E

    Deal with NPS to "save" distants on DISH!

    I agree with Bimson on this one. Nothing is prohibiting NPS from offering distant networks, they just cannot do it in relation with Echostar - and that means not using Echostars satellites, transponder licenses, and no money going to Echostar. Once there is a monetary relationship, the...
  17. E

    CONFIRMED Dish Holiday Channel Rumor

    Dishnetwork is ungrateful. I'm going to call my Congressman and tell him so. .....oh, wait.....
  18. E

    Warning: Dish PVR DVR 522 won't work without the EEPG (9 day guide)

    Yep, plenty of legitimate DISH customers in the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. I know an authorized dealer on St. Thomas . . .
  19. E

    If you thought the 921 was bad look at this one

    You know what they say: "Just because one thing sucks, doesn't mean other's don't." :smug
  20. E

    The "Tech" guys need to learn more about their 5*** receivers

    Just because his grammar sucks doesn't mean that the NBR implementation on the 522 doesn't suck as well - they're not mutually exclusive. My experience, if the 522's design purpose was to speak english, it would do a much worse job at it than this poster did . . .
  21. E

    Tech Chat - Coming Monday Feb 21st - 9PM EST

    DISH expects people to forget, and they DO forget. First the Dishplayer fiasco, then the 921 nonsense, and people will STILL plunk down big money on a 942, expecting Dish to have gotten their game together. Problem is, there's no incentive for Dish to change, they're doing fine regardless...
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    DishNetwork tried to rip me off-twice!!

    I believe he mentioned in a different thread about this, that he lived alone . . . FWIW . . .
  23. E

    We DID IT!

    No offense to anyone, but if you saw this as it happened you know that Charlie appeared confused when he made that statement. It was in response to a direct question regarding NBR on the 5xx series, and his immediate response was that we already have it. He was waived off from from other guy...